I am working with Photo Supreme 64, but in the assign Tab there are always problem. For example if I am starting "untagging" some keywords, the keywords aren't shown anymore. I have to restart Photo Supreme. Sometimes PSU shows "Access violation (0)".
Untagging a lot of images are slower than IDimager 5 Pro and less stable.
Photo Supreme - Display Issues with 64 version
Re: Photo Supreme - Display Issues with 64 version
I was able to reproduce this here and a fix will be released soon.if I am starting "untagging" some keywords, the keywords aren't shown anymore. I have to restart Photo Supreme. Sometimes PSU shows "Access violation (0)".
Btw; The recommended place to report bugs is at http://bugs.idimager.com
Maybe you have some of the groups open in the LAP, for instance "SUGGESTED" or "NEARBY LABELS" when these are open the content needs to be retrieved and those are "heavy" queries. Best to keep these closed when you need performance. "RECENTLY USED" and "FAVORITES" don't claim performance.Untagging a lot of images are slower than IDimager 5 Pro
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Re: Photo Supreme - Display Issues with 64 version
I just have my own sets open. BTW, is there a possibility to change the GUI-Colors or Styles? Des Assign-Panel is (for me !!) to shiny. I prefer less contrast, less "rounded" buttons (Lightroom 3 gui, I like a lot).IDimager wrote: Maybe you have some of the groups open in the LAP, for instance "SUGGESTED" or "NEARBY LABELS" when these are open the content needs to be retrieved and those are "heavy" queries. Best to keep these closed when you need performance. "RECENTLY USED" and "FAVORITES" don't claim performance.
Re: Photo Supreme - Display Issues with 64 version
I just have my own sets open.
Then, in theory, it should be faster than IDimager.
No. The application comes as it comes.BTW, is there a possibility to change the GUI-Colors or Styles? Des Assign-Panel is (for me !!) to shiny. I prefer less contrast, less "rounded" buttons (Lightroom 3 gui, I like a lot).
This is a user-to-user forum. If you have suggestions, requests or need support then please send a message
Re: Photo Supreme - Display Issues with 64 version
No, unfortunately not (12 GB RAM, Phenom II 940 Quadcore). But in one set there a long keywords (species-names in german and the scientific-name) and a set have 48 keywords. Scrolling is far away to be "smooth".IDimager wrote:
Then, in theory, it should be faster than IDimager.
Ok.No. The application comes as it comes.BTW, is there a possibility to change the GUI-Colors or Styles? Des Assign-Panel is (for me !!) to shiny. I prefer less contrast, less "rounded" buttons (Lightroom 3 gui, I like a lot).
Maybe you didn't read the other question in the IDImager Pro Forum:
I didn't find in Photo supreme where I can choose the Exif/IPTC-Code like in IDimager to chose it like I was written it in IDimager in UTF-8 (was the standard, or)? In which way are writing Photo Supreme the keywords and how can I change it, if it is not UTF-8.IDimager wrote:And the way it writes keywords is identical to IDimager.
Re: Photo Supreme - Display Issues with 64 version
PSU always writes in UTF8 mode; not configurable.
The next update will write the encoding method in IPTC
The next update will write the encoding method in IPTC
This is a user-to-user forum. If you have suggestions, requests or need support then please send a message
Re: Photo Supreme - Display Issues with 64 version
Thank you, Hert. This will be a great help.IDimager wrote:PSU always writes in UTF8 mode; not configurable.
The next update will write the encoding method in IPTC
Something really confuse me.IDimager wrote:PSU always writes in UTF8 mode; not configurable.
Currently my workaround is.
IDimager Pro 5:
Tagging images --> Write to the file (hierarchical utf-8) --> Exiftool -IPTC:codedcharacterset=utf8 <*.jpg> --> Result: All is shown perfect in Exiftool-Gui; even my name in copyright.
Example: Keywords|Systematik|Vögel|Neukiefervögel (Neognathae)|Sperlingsvögel (Passeriformes)|Singvögel (Passeri)|Finken (Fringillidae)|Edelfinken (Fringilla)|Bergfink (Fringilla montifringilla)
Photo Supreme (after open the database from IDimager Pro 5)
Tagging images --> Save metadata to the file --> Exiftool -IPTC:codedcharacterset=utf8 <*.jpg> --> Result: Some signs are shown wrong in Exiftool-Gui.
Example: Miscellaneous|Systematik|V�gel|Neukieferv�gel (Neognathae)|Sperlingsv�gel (Passeriformes)|Singv�gel (Passeri)|Finken (Fringillidae)|Edelfinken (Fringilla)|Bergfink (Fringilla montifringilla)
Re: Photo Supreme - Display Issues with 64 version
Sorry, I make a mistake: Some signs are shown wrong, after I write it to the files with Photo Supreme.
Re: Photo Supreme - Display Issues with 64 version
That's no problem; but you made your point clear and I was able to tackle this (I hope). The next update would have to show that. However, the results from IDI and PSU should be identical (if IDI is set to UTF8)
This is a user-to-user forum. If you have suggestions, requests or need support then please send a message
Re: Photo Supreme - Display Issues with 64 version
Thank you, Hert.
Re: Photo Supreme - Display Issues with 64 version
Now it's working perfect.
I have just to find out, why I can't move images from one folder to the other via Drag & Drop.
I have just to find out, why I can't move images from one folder to the other via Drag & Drop.