Access Violation in meta contents area under thumb v2024

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Posts: 517
Joined: 05 Jul 10 5:57

Access Violation in meta contents area under thumb v2024

Post by Larry56 »

I've imported 322 RAW + jpg photos into PSu 2024.0.1.6225 on MacBook Pro 16 Intel. The import seems to have gone OK but when I try to mark with rating, color, etc "Access Violation" is displayed in the date/time line and also the star rating at the bottom. I have a custom thumbnail display so perhaps 2024 doesn't like the display commands?

Here's my custom thumb lines
Line one with Access Violation
%yyyy-%mm-%dd %h12:%nn:%ss %am{encode=html} <font color="cyan">%FileExtension{encode=html}</font>
%code result := iif (ImageItem.XMPValue('dc:description') = '', '', '<font color="yellow">Desc</font>'); %/code

Line two OK

Line 3 OK

Line four with AV
ACatItem: TCatalogItem;
ARatingAnchorHref: String;
ARatingNoColor: String;
ARatingColor: String;
ARatingStar: String;
ARatingOnStar: String;
ARatingOffStar: String;
i: Integer;
result := '';

ARatingNoColor := '#CFFF0000'; //#### red color
ARatingColor := '#CFFFFF00'; //#### Yellow color for rating stars
ARatingStar := 'M 3.03,4.19883 L 2.996,4.22354 L 3.00909,4.26369 L 2.97501,4.2389 L 2.94086,4.26369 L 2.95394,4.22354 L 2.92,4.19883 L 2.96193,4.19883 L 2.97501,4.1589 L 2.98801,4.19883 L 3.03,4.19883 Z ';
ARatingReject := 'M 307.583,420.723 C 307.583,425.969 303.331,430.223 298.083,430.223 ' +
'C 292.837,430.223 288.583,425.969 288.583,420.723 C 288.583,415.477 ' +
'292.837,411.223 298.083,411.223 C 303.331,411.223 307.583,415.477 ' +
'307.583,420.723 Z M 302.900,417.541 L 301.486,416.127 L 298.304,419.309 ' +
'L 295.121,416.127 L 293.707,417.541 L 296.890,420.724 L 293.707,423.906 ' +
'L 295.121,425.320 L 298.303,422.138 L 301.485,425.320 L 302.900,423.906 ' +
'L 299.718,420.723 L 302.900,417.541 Z';

ARatingAnchorHref := 'code:' +
' function IsImageItemSelected: Boolean; ' +
' var ' +
' i: Integer; ' +
' begin ' +
' result := False; ' +
' for i := 0 to Selected.Count - 1 do ' +
' begin ' +
' if Selected.Items.GUID = ImageItem.GUID then ' +
' begin ' +
' result := True; ' +
' exit; ' +
' end; ' +
' end; ' +
' end; ' +
'var ' +
' i: Integer; ' +
' ACatItem: TCatalogItem; ' +
'begin ' +
' if not IsImageItemSelected then ' +
' begin ' +
' Selected.Clear; ' +
' Selected.Add(ImageItem); ' +
' end; ' +
'' +
' for i := 0 to Selected.Count - 1 do ' +
' begin ' +
' ACatItem := TCatalogItem.Create(nil); ' +
' if PublicCatalog.FindItemCombinedByGUID(Selected.Items.GUID, ACatItem) then ' +
' begin ' +
' ACatItem.Rating := #rating#; ' +
' if PublicCatalog.StoreItemToDataBase(ACatItem, False) then ' +
' PublicCatalog.UpdateItemSyncState(ACatItem, [], [idcsDBXmp], False, True); ' +
' end; ' +
' ACatItem.Free; ' +
' end; ' +
'end; ' +

ARatingNoOnStar := '<a href="' + ARatingAnchorHref + '"><img title="no rating" size="18" path="' + ARatingStar + '" pathfillcolor="' + ARatingNoColor + '" pathstrokestyle="solid" pathstrokecolor="' + ARatingNoColor + '"></a>';
ARatingNoOffStar := '<a href="' + ARatingAnchorHref + '"><img size="18" path="' + ARatingStar + '" pathfillstyle="none" pathstrokestyle="solid" pathstrokecolor="' + ARatingNoColor + '"></a>';
ARatingOnStar := '<a href="' + ARatingAnchorHref + '"><img size="18" path="' + ARatingStar + '" pathfillcolor="' + ARatingColor + '" pathstrokestyle="solid" pathstrokecolor="' + ARatingColor + '"></a>';
ARatingOffStar := '<a href="' + ARatingAnchorHref + '"><img size="18" path="' + ARatingStar + '" pathfillstyle="none" pathstrokestyle="solid" pathstrokecolor="' + ARatingColor + '"></a>';
ARatingRejectOnStar := '<a href="' + ARatingAnchorHref + '"><img title="reject" size="18" path="' + ARatingReject + '" pathfillstyle="solid" pathstrokestyle="solid" pathstrokecolor="' + '#CCCCCCCC' + '"></a>';
ARatingRejectOffStar := '<a href="' + ARatingAnchorHref + '"><img title="unreject" size="18" path="' + ARatingReject + '" pathfillstyle="none" pathfillcolor="' + ARatingColor + '" pathstrokestyle="solid" pathstrokecolor="' + ARatingColor + '"></a>';

ACatItem := TCatalogItem.Create(nil);
if PublicCatalog.FindImageCombined (ImageItem, ACatItem, False, vptNone) then
result := result + '<font color="'+ ARatingColor +'"><ind y="2">';

if ACatItem.Rating > 0 then
result := result + StrTran(ARatingNoOnStar, '#rating#', '0')
result := result + StrTran(ARatingNoOffStar, '#rating#', '0');

if ACatItem.Rating = -1 then
result := result + StrTran(ARatingRejectOnStar, '#rating#', '0')
result := result + StrTran(ARatingRejectOffStar, '#rating#', '-1');

for i := 1 to ACatItem.Rating do
result := result + StrTran(ARatingOnStar, '#rating#', iif(ACatItem.Rating = i, '0', IntToStr(i)));
for i := Max(ACatItem.Rating, 0) + 1 to 5 do
result := result + StrTran(iif(ACatItem.Rating = -1, ARatingRejectOffStar, ARatingOffStar), '#rating#', IntToStr(i));
result := result + '</ind></font>';
Posts: 517
Joined: 05 Jul 10 5:57

Re: Access Violation in meta contents area under thumb v2024

Post by Larry56 »

After playing around with this I think the issue is the %code commands. I imported again from repository but still received the AV.

I can do without the star rating at bottom but one code like I use displays only "Desc" if there is something in the Description field. My old code displayed in yellow color to stand out but but I could like without that. Hopefully there's something that can be done.
Posts: 55
Joined: 26 Dec 21 23:07

Re: Access Violation in meta contents area under thumb v2024

Post by marklevine »

I just upgraded (?) to 2024 and have Access Violations on two of four lines in each thumbnail.

Line 1:

i, s: Integer;
ASideFiles: TTntStringList;
ASideFile: WideString;
result := '';
if ImageItem.MediumAvailable and ImageItem.MediumLoaded then
for i := 0 to SidecarExtensions.Count - 1 do
if SidecarExtensions.Items.IsValidFor(ImageItem.FileName) then
ASideFiles := TTntStringList.Create;
SidecarExtensions.Items.FileNamesFor(ImageItem.FileName, ASideFiles, nil);
for s := 0 to ASideFiles.Count - 1 do
ASideFile := ASideFiles.Strings[s];
if WideFileExists(ASideFile) then
result := result + '<font bgcolor="#FFFCBA03" color="#FF000000" bgradius="0.3">&nbsp;&nbsp;' + WideUpperCase(MidStr(WideExtractFileExt('test' + SidecarExtensions.Items.PhantomExtension), 2, 255)) + '&nbsp;&nbsp;</font>&nbsp;';

Line 2: %CatalogLabelList{encode=html} --- WORKS OK

Line3: %CatalogPortfolioList{encode=html} --- WORKS OK

Line 4:

i, s: Integer;
ASideFiles: TTntStringList;
ASideFile: WideString;
result := '';
if ImageItem.MediumAvailable and ImageItem.MediumLoaded then
for i := 0 to SidecarExtensions.Count - 1 do
if SidecarExtensions.Items.IsValidFor(ImageItem.FileName) then
ASideFiles := TTntStringList.Create;
SidecarExtensions.Items.FileNamesFor(ImageItem.FileName, ASideFiles, nil);
for s := 0 to ASideFiles.Count - 1 do
ASideFile := ASideFiles.Strings[s];
if WideFileExists(ASideFile) then
result := result + '<font bgcolor="#FFFCBA03" color="#FF000000" bgradius="0.3">&nbsp;&nbsp;' + WideUpperCase(MidStr(WideExtractFileExt('test' + SidecarExtensions.Items.PhantomExtension), 2, 255)) + '&nbsp;&nbsp;</font>&nbsp;';
Posts: 7871
Joined: 13 Sep 03 6:24

Re: Access Violation in meta contents area under thumb v2024

Post by Hert »

Thank you for your continued support.

The first and 4th line appear to be identical.
Click the drop down -> From Repository -> Sidecar File Extension List

sidecarextensions.png (129.68 KiB) Viewed 1307 times
This is a user-to-user forum. If you have suggestions, requests or need support then please send a message
Posts: 55
Joined: 26 Dec 21 23:07

Re: Access Violation in meta contents area under thumb v2024

Post by marklevine »

Hert, I am unable to enter any script from the repository into my thumbnail information. For example, if I edit the custom thumbnail info to add a line by selecting "From Repository - Functional Rating Bar" I see "Access violation" in the thumbnail display.
Posts: 55
Joined: 26 Dec 21 23:07

Re: Access Violation in meta contents area under thumb v2024

Post by marklevine »

marklevine wrote: 12 Mar 24 16:39 Hert, I am unable to enter any script from the repository into my thumbnail information. For example, if I edit the custom thumbnail info to add a line by selecting "From Repository - Functional Rating Bar" I see "Access violation" in the thumbnail display.
I am not sure what is going on here. The problem continues but might be intermittent. I was successfully displaying the Functional Rating Bar but now the text "Access Violation" has returned to each thumbnail.
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