- How can I set up a specific hierarchy of folders to store and import my camera media. Normal workflow is to sneaker-net the media to my card reader and import it to a library (I use multiple Libraries depending on the job being done). In Lightroom6 my workflow is to name folders by date of capture: Folders/RAID Storage Volume/USER/*PROJECTNAME> YYYY>YYYY-MM-DD>YYMMDD-xx_filename text_subject. Please, can you give me a step-by-step procedure to set this as defector installation for each library of media stored?
- How can I display the sorting of the files by capture date and set that as the standard display setting in Folder view or all views?
- Is metadata (XMP file) merging to a RAW file possible after import? What about at the time of ingest? Many of my files were haphazardly merged to .CR2 containing XMP while other .CR2 files contain separate files. Can they be combined on the original media within PSu? Is this a good idea? Why or why not?
- Can different sources use different import techniques, e.g., importing from previous similar organization? I believe that I was able to import existing file configurations from my media files to mimic the same pattern from my LR libraries. What if I want to change that up? Can I reorganize my media files AND my storage format of the PSu library in one operation (script)? What about scripting generally, is there a Primer?
- I see that importing .DNG files are supported. Can RAW files be converted within PSu on import? Must it be done separately using Adobe Raw Converter tool? I'm pretty much over .DNG but curious.
- Can the original files from my library (once properly loaded in) be exported as JPEG's as specific formats (xx pixels HxW) from within PSu? Again a specific step-by-step instruction or document would be helpful.
- It concerns me that as the app is enhanced there is no documentation of operational changes. If there is such, where is it?