Move the Custom Fields from the Info button to the Details button?

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Move the Custom Fields from the Info button to the Details button?

Post by PhilBurton »

All the standard metadata for an image is displayed when the Details button is selected. It would be convenient to view custom fields at the same time. Now I have to switch back and forth between Details and Info.

Is this change possible?

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Re: Move the Custom Fields from the Info button to the Details button?

Post by Hondor »

I don't get it...

I have a custom field below the standard ones in my info pane.
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Re: Move the Custom Fields from the Info button to the Details button?

Post by fbungarz »

Hi Phil,
your custom fields from the Info Panel are all displayed by default in the Details Panel too under the header: Your Custom Fields, see this screen shot:
PSu_Details_CustomFields.jpg (94.02 KiB) Viewed 7986 times

BTW - in the example shown, most of these fields are no "true" ICS custom fields, but the fields that I chose to add to the Info Panel. You can add any existing XMP field to the InfoPanel including your own, new ones, to better explain this:
PSu_add_existingXMP-field_to_InfoPanel.jpg (93.54 KiB) Viewed 7985 times
And all the fields displayed on the Info Panel will show up on the Details Panel under Your Custom Fields.

What unfortunately is NOT possible is adding these fields in the Details Panel to another category different from Your Custom Fields.

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Re: Move the Custom Fields from the Info button to the Details button?

Post by sanphotgn »

fbungarz: "BTW - in the example shown, most of these fields are no "true" ICS custom fields, but the fields that I chose to add to the Info Panel. You can add any existing XMP field to the InfoPanel"

To my surprise* some of these existing XMP fields do not appear on the Details panel.

XMPImageDimensions.PNG (41.82 KiB) Viewed 7977 times
Info Panel -
CustomXMPInfoPanel.PNG (2.86 KiB) Viewed 7977 times
Details Panel -
CustomXMPDetailsPanel.PNG (2.65 KiB) Viewed 7977 times
*vlad got my attention with his finding that the dimensions does not appear in the Catalog under Your Custom Fields:

vlad: "5. I thought you should be able to browse images by pixel dimensions, using Catalog -> By Image Details. Unfortunately, I couldn't find a way to do it: even if I add %xmp:exif:PixelXDimension to my custom fields (using the Info panel), I can't see that particular field inside Catalog -> By Image Details. (@Hert: is that a bug, or did I hit a design constraint around Image Details?)"

Using my example above - the fields in the Catalog:
CustomXMPCatalog.PNG (2.31 KiB) Viewed 7977 times
It appears - at least here - that only existing XMP fields that are already displayed in one of the schemas - Advanced, Basic, ... - are displayed on the Details Panel and Catalog under Your Custom Fields. In my example: Color Space.
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Re: Move the Custom Fields from the Info button to the Details button?

Post by vlad »

Phil, I'd like to add only that your "true" custom fields also appear under Details -> XMP Avanced -> icd
fbungarz wrote: your custom fields from the Info Panel are all displayed by default in the Details Panel too under the header: Your Custom Fields, see this screen shot:
Frank, I am very impressed by how thoroughly you catalog your images. (Or, is that image an exception? I don't think so.) Besides cataloguing, do you still have time to collect specimens or do anything else? :mrgreen:
sanphotgn wrote: To my surprise* some of these existing XMP fields do not appear on the Details panel.
Thanks for following up and confirming my finding. Btw, my question still stands:
vlad: "5. I thought you should be able to browse images by pixel dimensions, using Catalog -> By Image Details. Unfortunately, I couldn't find a way to do it: even if I add %xmp:exif:PixelXDimension to my custom fields (using the Info panel), I can't see that particular field inside Catalog -> By Image Details. (@Hert: is that a bug, or did I hit a design constraint around Image Details?)"
Well, I guess the Details panel and Catalog -> By Image Details, unsuprisingly, share some common design traits:
It appears - at least here - that only existing XMP fields that are already displayed in one of the schemas - Advanced, Basic, ... - are displayed on the Details Panel and Catalog under Your Custom Fields.
Good point. But why don't the dimensions appear in one of those schemas?
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Re: Move the Custom Fields from the Info button to the Details button?

Post by fbungarz »

This is not correct. You can add ANY XMP field to the Info Panel, BUT you need to know its correct XMP syntax.

In your case: "'%ImageDimension" is simply incorrect, no wonder it does not show up. Try this:

Code: Select all

Or select it from the DropDown menu (whether the "Advanced" section is available in the drop-down BTW depends on which XMP schema you have displayed in Image Details: Basic , Advanced, IPTC, DarwinCore or DarwinCore Xpress.
PSu_ImageDimension.jpg (332.51 KiB) Viewed 7948 times
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Re: Move the Custom Fields from the Info button to the Details button?

Post by sanphotgn »

I took what the machine gave me. Didn't type it in.

If you fly out to Image and get Image Dimensions, you get this: %ImageDimension

If you fly out to Image Dimensions in your screen print, you get this: %exif:ImageDimension

Either one is not visible in the Details panel or the Catalog.

I have tried several Maker Notes fields using the same method and they do not appear in the Details panel or the Catalog.
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Re: Move the Custom Fields from the Info button to the Details button?

Post by vlad »

In your case: "'%ImageDimension" is simply incorrect, no wonder it does not show up.
Strange: '%ImageDimension works for me in Info Panel, although it doesn't show up in Details > Your Custom Fields. Exactly the same for %exif:ImageDimension. Frank, do you see something different on your system?
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Re: Move the Custom Fields from the Info button to the Details button?

Post by fbungarz »

Frank, I am very impressed by how thoroughly you catalog your images. (Or, is that image an exception? I don't think so.) Besides cataloguing, do you still have time to collect specimens or do anything else?
Actually, for photos of of lichen specimens this is not an exception, but a result of cleverly mapping labels so their respective XMP fields.
Taking the info in the screenshot that I posted as an example: It would take ages of course to enter all that info manually. What I typically do: I collect many lichen specimens at one site and for quite a few I take photos. That site gets a locality acronym. In PSu I create a label for that locality acronym and using "Apply Detail Profile" configure that label to fill in several locality fields all at once: Country, State/Province, Island Group, Island, Locality, GPS Latitude, GPS Longitude, Altitude...
So, for the photos that were all taken at that same site I only need to assign that particular locality acronym label and BINGO - all that info is entered into the fields for many, many photos in one go.

Same goes for the taxonomic data: for photos of the specimen identified as "Pertusaria thiospoda C.Knight" I have a label hierarchy in my custom category called "Taxonomy", with the "genus, family, order, class, division, kingdom" that this species belongs to all these taxonomic ranks mapped to their corresponding Darwin Core XMP fields and the "process parent mapping" checkbox enabled. I assign the label "Pertusaria thiospoda C.Knight" and all these other fields get filled in automatically too.

Even creating that label hierarchy wasn't too much work. Form the specimen collection database that I maintain the the taxonomic hierarchy of names was exported into the vocabulary format that can be imported into PSu. Then I simply selected the labels that all correspond to a particular rank in the hierarchy and configured these labels all in one batch...

Well, this essentially is only the gist of it, explaining my entire workflow would necessitate a separate, long post that probably no one would want to read in all that detail.
Still, with a rigid, well thought-out workflow you can use PSu to very efficiently and rapidly fill in a whole bunch of metadata. That's what I love about PSu. I know now other product on the market that allows you to do that.

I apologize that this response veered off-topic that much. I do hope those were still useful comments, at least tangentially related to the original question on how to display Custom Fields inside the Details Panel.

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Re: Move the Custom Fields from the Info button to the Details button?

Post by fbungarz »

Strange: '%ImageDimension works for me in Info Panel, although it doesn't show up in Details > Your Custom Fields. Exactly the same for %exif:ImageDimension. Frank, do you see something different on your system?
OK, my mistake indeed! I believe this should be filed as a bug. I thought you were saying 'ImageDimensions' were not showing up at all. Now I see that you are saying the field gets displayed on the Info Panel, but not on the Details Panel under "Your Customs Fields".
I checked it right now and you are correct. I first thought this might have to do with the field being a technical metadata field that is locked for editing. But then, you can add the GPS fields, which are also locked (cannot be edited) and they do show up both in the Info Panel and the Details Panel.
Strange. I think this must be a bug...
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