Feature request: Schedule Compact Database

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Feature request: Schedule Compact Database

Post by marklevine »

Now that we can schedule Verify Folder, I wonder if it's easy/possible to add a new item to the Catalog menu. Just below "Compact Current Catalog", add "Schedule Compact Catalog". With luck and a tailwind, we'd all be able to suppress start-up warnings about the need to compact the catalog!

The problem with the start-up warning is that I always have a task in mind when I open PSU. My catalog is large and takes a while to compact, so I always dismiss the warning. Occasionally, when I'm done with my work, I remember about the warning and re-start PSU with the goal of compacting but most times, I just forget about it until my next session when I see the warning again.

Even better would be to add an action button to the Compact Catalog dialog so the user could "Compact Now" or "Schedule Compact Catalog".
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Re: Feature request: Schedule Compact Database

Post by G8DHE »

Would agree, I have several other database and most of them I can schedule a batch process overnight to compact and backup as needed, this would then avoid needing to compact during "working" hours!
Geoff Mather (G8DHE)
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Re: Feature request: Schedule Compact Database

Post by RobiWan »

marklevine wrote: 20 Mar 24 12:07 Even better would be to add an action button to the Compact Catalog dialog so the user could "Compact Now" or "Schedule Compact Catalog".
I would very much welcome it if this warning could be switched off completely. I never let PSU do it because it throws things out of the catalog that I want.
Cheers, Robert

PSU V2024 Single User, Windows 11. PSU V2024 PostgreSQL on Debian Linux Server
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Re: Feature request: Schedule Compact Database

Post by apanella »

G8DHE wrote: 20 Mar 24 12:41 Would agree, I have several other database and most of them I can schedule a batch process overnight to compact and backup as needed, this would then avoid needing to compact during "working" hours!
+1 on the "compact database" scheduler!
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