Adding photos to catalogue

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Adding photos to catalogue

Post by hip2b2 »

Absolute newbie, i.e., 20 minutes of experience.

I have created a catalogue from everything in my "Pictures" folder. I added a couple of new picture to the folder than ran: Select Verify Folder > Select Verify Folder Quick.

The catalogue is read, a window opens offering to add many (perhaps dozens) additional folders to the catalogue. Manually going through each of these folders each time I run an update to the data set seems unnecessarily burdensome.

What is the correct procedure?

Thanks and regards

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Re: Adding photos to catalogue

Post by HCS »

That is the correct procedure. Once added to the catalog, it won't ask again, just for folders or files not yet managed in the catalog.
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Re: Adding photos to catalogue

Post by G8DHE »

Presumably these new folders are pre-existing under the "Pictures" folder ? Or perhaps you had a different folder selected ?
Geoff Mather (G8DHE)
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Re: Adding photos to catalogue

Post by Larry56 »

I found just adding from Pictures was beyond my needs or wants. Too many apps will create their own folder under Pictures which I didn't want or need cataloged. My work around was to create a My Photos under Pictures and all files I wanted cataloged are always under My Photos. From there I create Year and Month folders so even then cataloging is more simplified for me because I can select just the Month to update. As noted above once photos are in catalog you won't be asked again.
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Re: Adding photos to catalogue

Post by snowman1 »

I do something similar, using a folder called "Albums" ("My Photos" would probably have been a better name!).
I also use a date based folder structure under that, but I let PSU create that automatically upon ingestion so I am ensured of consistency and that the photos go in the correct folder. I ingest photos from SD cards, or in the case of photos from my phone I use PhotoSync to transfer photos to a temporary folder structure (also under "Pictures" but it could be anywhere) and then ingest from there. This also allows me to create a backup at ingest time using the PSU ingest mirror folder options.

As regards the original question, I'm not 100% sure but I suspect it may help the OP - if he hasn't already done so - to set the top level folder that PSU sees to his main picture folder, as I'm presuming PSU only scans folders below that (happy to be corrected, as I rarely if ever scan for missing images, I prefer to use the ingest function as mentioned as it gives so much more control and options).
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