How to add a folder

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How to add a folder

Post by peterpix »

I have managed to remove a key drive, and folder in that drive, from my folders list.

The files appear to be no longer in the catalogue. They are still in the drive/folder. It all seems to be a bit of a disaster.

I need to add the folder back to the list. I don't know whether when I do that the files on those drives will reappear in the catalogue.

I have another folder in the folder list. When I try to add back the folder that was removed, PS wants to add a sub-folder of the other folder. I can't find how to add a different drive/folder (the one that was removed, i.e. I need to re-add it) as a top level folder.

I can't find anything about this is the manual(s).

Also when I try to search the forum for "folder" or "add folder" or "how do I add a folder" it says I am using words that are too common.

Can someone please suggest how I can fix my "can't add a drive/folder to the folder list issue.

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Re: How to add a folder

Post by G8DHE »

Surely just "Import folder" from the Hamburger menu, then select the top level folder needed from your drives.
Geoff Mather (G8DHE)
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Re: How to add a folder

Post by peterpix »

Thanks Geoff - that worked - though my labels that do not write to files did not reconnect to the files. I guess not surprising.

But I had a fairly recent backup so I reloaded that - minimal work to update fortunately. :D

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Re: How to add a folder

Post by aaronj »

I just wanted to add a quick note to this topic with a visual to back it up to make the point for anyone that has a folder turn red due to having been moved, or a drive having disconnected, etc. Whatever you do, don't go the route of removing the now red folder from the catalog if you want any content linked to those files in the database to be preserved.
2022-03-07 01_32_09-M.png
2022-03-07 01_32_09-M.png (11.84 KiB) Viewed 1740 times
While I take your description of the issue to indicate the folder was removed from the database by the time you asked the question, if the folder had simply been moved outside of PS, causing it to show up as red in the folder tree, you could simply right-click it and select the 'Map to the Correct Physical Folder...' option to point that to the new location, but removing that red folder from your folder tree dumps all the records in that folder and subfolders, with database-only labels being irrecoverably lost at that point (absent the backup which you fortunately had).

You can re-map individual files with the 'Map to the Correct Physical File...' option as well if necessary, but again only if you have not removed the original record from the database.
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