Batch processing : info

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Batch processing : info

Post by Le_Lion_07 »


(Hert closed my previous post about batch processing and, after I've read carefully its remarks, I understand what was the problem. Sorry for the inconvenient. From now, I'll create tickets in Mantis in case of bugs and/or feature requests)

I just want here to explain what happened with batch processing. Hope it could be helpful for other users...

So, the process was : resize and rename (and, of course, copy output files in a separate folder). But I forgot to check one point : does PSU works in-line or off-line ? I was sure that PSU would not launch a batch process if it is in off-line mode. But it does. The result is the following :
- in-line, no problem,
- off-line, PSU create (I presume) output files from previews (consequently, with less quality) and, as it cannot read metadata, output files... have no metadata at all.

That is the explanation. So, be careful before you start a batch process.
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Re: Batch processing : info

Post by Hert »

So, be careful before you start a batch process.
In OFFLINE mode none of the files are accessible for the application.
When you're not traveling there shouldn't be any reason why you'd switch to OFFLINE mode.
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Re: Batch processing : info

Post by Le_Lion_07 »

IDimager wrote:When you're not traveling there shouldn't be any reason why you'd switch to OFFLINE mode.
Maybe, but that is not the question. My purpose was only to explain what can happen if one uses batch process in off-line mode because, in my mind (and I was wrong), it was not possible to launch a batch treatment in off-line mode.
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