TIFs going bad (black & transparent)

Posts: 26
Joined: 15 May 22 6:26

Re: TIFs going bad (black & transparent)

Post by PatrickJ »

Quick update. I again experienced a TIF going corrupt while working on it, but this time I was able to trace my steps and even recreate the file corruption (although only once). It occurred when I was playing around with labels while having the "Automatically write out Catalog changes to the image file" option set. Let me share what was done once I discovered the newly corrupted TIF:

1. Replaced the corrupted TIF with a working one from my backup set.
2. Verified that the copied TIF was indeed without issues, both by opening it PSU and other software.
3. I strongly suspected the corruption occurred when I was adding/removing labels, so re-added all labels that the image had before it became corrupted. Checked the TIF image - TIF was OK!
4. I revoked one hierarchical top label (in the "Label" panel), which removed that and two other labels from the photo. Checked the TIF image - TIF was corrupted!

I suspect the corruption comes from the the TIF metadata is updated, so for now I unchecked the "Automatically write out Catalog changes to the image file". As always it's just a theory, have sent the information to the support team.

Posts: 62
Joined: 25 Jan 15 22:06

Re: TIFs going bad (black & transparent)

Post by wesstl »

I'm getting quite a few corrupted tiffs again with the latest version (5063). I had this probably previously and it went away but started up again after the most recent upgrade. Nothing's changed with my workflow other than minor updates to software. Anyone else seeing more corrupted tiffs lately?
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