Ingest List - what is it?

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Ingest List - what is it?

Post by RickHeath »

Every time I launch PS6 (currently on v 6.4.3923) I get "Ingest List" for 20 to 30 seconds at the bottom left of the program window & PS isn't keen on doing anything until that has finished.

What is it & why is it doing/ looking for something? Can I stop it doing whatever it is doing? It doesn't seem to be doing anything useful in my setup.
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Re: Ingest List - what is it?

Post by Hert »

Probably you're starting PSU with one or more custom command line parameters. PSU checks if it needs to import some folder or file that is passed on the command line.
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Re: Ingest List - what is it?

Post by fbungarz »

I have been using these startup parameters forever:
"C:\Program Files\IDimager Products\Photo Supreme x64\IDimagerSU.exe" -regdb "C:\PSU Catalog\PSU.idreg" -A "C:\PSU Catalog"
I never noticed that "Ingest List" popup before.
One thing:
Is it possible that process would interfere with the database compacting?
Every startup, I now get a "compact your database" message, if I click OK, the program hangs. If I wait until the "Ingest List" has finished, then click OK, the compacting starts, but then stalls. I can manually compact the database, but next time I restart, I get that same message "compact your database" again...
Not sure, what is going on.
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