Problem deleting photos

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Problem deleting photos

Post by Larry56 »

Sometimes I have problems deleting photos. I'll select and then choose the Delete for the context menu but the confirmation dialog box never shows up and the photo isn't deleted. At least not right away. Sometimes it will show up about 30 seconds later.

I usually see this behavior after working in a specific folder for a little while.

Anyone else seen this?

Windows 10, PSu v3.3.0.2598
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Joined: 19 Oct 16 2:51

Re: Problem deleting photos

Post by vkfoto »

I also noticed that behavior to the point where I often delete directly in Windows Explorer or in other image programs. The image will then appear as missing in PSu but I can live with that. It would appear that PSu has to do a lot of housekeeping in its database which causes the visible delay. Don't know why it could not just flag the record for deletion and then either automatically during idle time or on command, purge the database of all records that are flagged for deletion. If a deletion flag is already used then I couldn't guess what else might be the issue.
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Joined: 29 Sep 11 21:52

Re: Problem deleting photos

Post by MikeA01730 »


I've experienced this too. After several tries I restarted PS and then it worked. Most of the time it works fine. I haven't figured out when it works and when it doesn't.

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