possible to swap thumbs databases?

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possible to swap thumbs databases?

Post by fbungarz »

Dear Hert,
I would like to know if it is possible to use the main PSU database with different thumbnail databases.
Here is why:
My main database idimager.cat.db is ca. 4 GB now, the thumbnail database idimager.thumbs.db with a thumbs quality setting 85% and preview size 1280 px is 23.8 GB, with 103,855 images.
Particularly the thumbs database is HUGE, though nice to have large previews on the desktop. less convenient moving the databases back and forth with my laptop (which also has a much smaller SSD).
Now, I assume that there is not much I can do about the size of the main database (apart from regularly compacting it), but the thumbs database could be a lot smaller, if I select the minimum preview size of 640 px, possibly even a lower quality yet than 85%.

Is it possible to use the same main catalog with different thumbnail databases on the desktop and laptop, something like this:

idimager.thumbs.db 85%, 1280 px

idimager.thumbs.db 80%, 640 px

Of course I would keep the names of the tumbnail database the same, but only keep the main database in sync between Laptop and Desktop using SyncBack and after synchronization always change the respective settings in PSU's preferences...

Would that work?

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Re: possible to swap thumbs databases?

Post by Hert »


That is possible as long as you always keep the main Catalog db in sync. Then let the laptop build its own thumbs as does the desktop. Needless to say that you then should never sync the thumbs db file.

One point of attention is the setting. The thumb settings are part of the main Catalog and so when you sync the Catalog to the laptop you'll always have to change back the settings there.
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Re: possible to swap thumbs databases?

Post by fbungarz »

One point of attention is the setting. The thumb settings are part of the main Catalog and so when you sync the Catalog to the laptop you'll always have to change back the settings there.
I thought so. A bit cumbersome, but I'll give it a try...
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Re: possible to swap thumbs databases?

Post by vlad »

Hert wrote: One point of attention is the setting. The thumb settings are part of the main Catalog and so when you sync the Catalog to the laptop you'll always have to change back the settings there.
Just wondering: couldn't that be achieved by using the -regfile command line parameter? (I've used the -regfile option, but I' don't remember which settings are affected...)
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Re: possible to swap thumbs databases?

Post by fbungarz »

Just wondering: couldn't that be achieved by using the -regfile command line parameter? (I've used the -regfile option, but I' don't remember which settings are affected...)
I actually don't think that individual catalog options are stored in the registry. I believe they are stored in the catalog database (somehow). You can easily try this by creating different databases with different Preferences. If you open a specific catalog the settings in preferences will be different...
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Re: possible to swap thumbs databases?

Post by vlad »

Ah, yes, I guess you're right. But, if PSU was (slightly) redesigned to store the catalog settings in a separate file (outside the main DB file), then it would be possible indeed to specify both the catalog database and the associated settings on the command line. Actually, I don't see why the thumbnail database couldn't be specified on the command line too: all those three "functional inputs" (catalog data + thumbnails + settings) are largely independent, unless I'm mistaken. (Yes, I know that one could specify some preview quality setting along with a mismatched thubnail db, but I don't think that's a huge problem, thanks to the thumb rebuilding tool.)

(OTOH, I must say that embedding virtually all the relevant info - including the catalog settings - in one single file is very convenient for debugging and customer support; i.e, Hert needs to ask for one single file in order to analyze problems or help a customer.)
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Re: possible to swap thumbs databases?

Post by sanphotgn »

vlad wrote:Ah, yes, I guess you're right. But, if PSU was (slightly) redesigned to store the catalog settings in a separate file (outside the main DB file), then it would be possible indeed to specify both the catalog database and the associated settings on the command line.
Back in the day ... There was a separate file for settings (called Options) and it had its own command line.
vlad wrote:Actually, I don't see why the thumbnail database couldn't be specified on the command line too

This still works:

-T <<thumbs folder>> (optional) Specify the folder location for the thumbnails database

Not sure this will be helpful in Frank's workflow. If one goes down this route, please be sure to test on test databases and test images.
vlad wrote:(OTOH, I must say that embedding virtually all the relevant info - including the catalog settings - in one single file is very convenient for debugging and customer support; i.e, Hert needs to ask for one single file in order to analyze problems or help a customer.)
Totally agree.
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