A limitation of the google geocoding requests

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Posts: 31
Joined: 04 Apr 12 6:27

A limitation of the google geocoding requests

Post by Maxometr »

What there is a restriction from google to the number of geocoding requests? I've highlighted 6000 photos and started the process of reverse geocoding. After processing reverse geocoding not working and also not working search positions. I have connected to the Internet through another provider (another IP address) and it worked fine. Apparently google has a limit on the number of requests from the same ip address. How many requests per day I can do? It took 2 days, reverse geocoding to work, but the search positions not working, error: access violation (0).
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Posts: 31
Joined: 04 Apr 12 6:27

Re: A limitation of the google geocoding requests

Post by Maxometr »

no, not work correctly reverse geocoding. Choose on the map of Saint Petersburg (Russia) - works, and Egypt - no. Found that if you place the cursor on any of the city then determines the location, but if in the desert or at sea, where there is no settlement, it does not determine even the country. I hope that the screenshots everything will be clear. Sorry for my translation, I am russian speaking.
city-location is defined
city-location is defined
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coast-location is not defined
coast-location is not defined
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city-location is defined
city-location is defined
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desert-location is not defined
desert-location is not defined
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