Batch application of recipes

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Batch application of recipes

Post by wphx »

I think I asked this question some time ago, is it possible to batch add recipes to an image (embed the recipe rather than apply the recipe and save the output as an image?). For example I want to add the recipe 'Rotate 90 degrees' (stored as a recipe file) to a range of thumbnails, and not alter the image itself but embed the recipe as if I had done it manually through the 'adjust' panel?

Thankyou for your help
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Re: Batch application of recipes

Post by Hert »

This is possible with the batches. Create a new batch, add the recipe command and select your recipe.
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Re: Batch application of recipes

Post by wphx »


This is what I am doing:
A - Recipe File

1. create a recipe file (eg. rotate 90 degrees) under adjustments and save the recipe as a file
2. Create a new batch
3. Add only 'Recipe File'
3. Enter location of saved recipe
4. Apply & save batch
5. Run batch against selected image
7. Image is rotated (original image itself is rotated, which is probably what is expected)

B - recipe Command - exactly as above, but using 'Recipe' instead of 'Recipe File'

Result: nothing seems to happen and no recipes are included in the image adjustment.

What I am looking for is a way to apply (embed) recipes to a range of selected photos - so that the image itself is not manipulated, but rather the recipe is included into the image file as if I had just used 'Adjustments'. Having written this does there need to be any synchronising of metadata done? I tried reading metadata from file but no difference.

TRhankyou for any comments
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Re: Batch application of recipes

Post by Hert »

From how I read your message, it seems like your "A scenario" did what you wanted.
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Re: Batch application of recipes

Post by wphx »

Well, yes and no.

What I was wanting/hoping was to embed the recipe rather than alter the photo. i.e. behave as though I had 'adjusted' the photo through the adjustment panel, which embeds the recipe into the metadata rather than modify the image.
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Re: Batch application of recipes

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Just curious... why would you want to do that? This is where versioning might be useful... create a version that has your adjustments embedded and another without... your image will still update in that version but if you are applying a recipe - it makes sense that it would.
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