Sql server version of Photo Supreme

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Re: Sql server version of Photo Supreme

Post by stevehughes »

IDimager wrote:That's great Steve. This issue only happened when ran on a computer that doesn't have the SQLServer Express database software installed. That's why I didn't notice it until after running on the complete clean machine.
Interesting. It must have been looking for the exact instance name, because I did have SQL Express installed, (although I had decided to give it the default instance name MSSQLSERVER rather than SQLEXPRESS).
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Re: Sql server version of Photo Supreme

Post by Hert »

stevehughes wrote:a brighter glimmer of hope that you might be able to produce a MacOs version of this. Obviously a Windows machine would be needed for the database, but it would be fantastic to have a professional multi-user, multi-platform DAM I can suggest to clients.
It is possible for me to release a Mac version for SQLServer. Currently I don't expect demand for a SQLServer version for Mac users though.

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Re: Sql server version of Photo Supreme

Post by mphillips »

Hi Hert

Just some notes on the SQL Installation.

1. When I ran the setup straight from the download and at the end selected to Run Supreme I had a UAC error.
26-08-2013 08-11-01.jpg
26-08-2013 08-11-01.jpg (45.5 KiB) Viewed 13823 times
When I then ran with Admin Permissions from the start menu all was well.

2. The Initial Prompt asking whether I am planning to use SQL on THIS MACHINE/SERVER is a little ambiguous maybe. In that I would be more explicit in saying local machine - select here or another server - select here. It may just be me but its wasn't immediately clear that I should say "No" if I was running SQL on another server.

3. When Selecting the Setup for the new SQL Server database for a 'remote' server - the directory to save the database is NOT browsing the SERVER but the local machine. This makes it impossible to create the database on the server - I think - I can't get it to work and I don't have "rights" to browse to the network - server - SQL data directories - so that maybe the problem. If this can't be done the don't even make it an option - change the set up routine to create the script , etc..

4. The script is WRONG - It creates the file location NOT where I want it to (on my server SQL Data Directories) but on the default directory of
FILENAME = N'c:\photosupreme_sqlserver_catalog\photosupreme_Data.MDF' , SIZE = 35, FILEGROWTH = 5) LOG ON (NAME = N'photosupreme_Log', FILENAME = N'c:\photosupreme_sqlserver_catalog\photosupreme_Log.LDF'
. I never specified that as my SQL directory! And My guess is that all its going to do is Crash because that directory doesn’t exist on the server.

My suggestion to to go back to my Point 3 and branch out into a SERVER setup routine where you read the default installation directory for the server instance and use that in the script creation ?

5. After creating the script the prompt asks me if I want to log in. When I say yes the SERVER name presented in NOT the server name (remote server) that I specified in the previous screen - rather the default SQL Express Server. The user name is BLANK - rather than the default created in the script .

6. The TAB sequence on the log in screen need looking at I think. To move from Server Name to Database takes 2 tabs, to User Name another 2 tabs , to password 6 tabs.

That's all for now :-)

Best Regards

Mike Phillips
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Re: Sql server version of Photo Supreme

Post by Hert »


Thank you for your input.

As for point (4). The script is not wrong. The script generates with the path that you enter in the dialog.
Of course that should be a directory from the *computer/server* that runs the SQLServer instance.
This has nothing to do with the folder that you select during the SQLServer installation for the database files. That is the folder where the SQLServer software stores its own database files (the SQLServer Software also uses its own SQLServer database). One could indeed argue if this folder should be used as the default; though I personally would never store other databases in the same folder of the SQServer databases as I like to keep things isolated for higher maintainability; default to a sub folder of the SQLServer database folder would be more acceptable.
This folder can be *any* folder on the server, as long as the SQLServer Service (more particularly the authorization level associated with the SQLServer service) has write access to the specified folder.

DBA's who run a SQLServer server typically know where they want to store their databases.
I'll explain that better in the installation instructions.
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Re: Sql server version of Photo Supreme

Post by mphillips »

Thanks Hert

Although I am convinced I typed the Server (d:\SQL_Data) directory into the dialogue box, even though I couldn't browse to it, and I thought the script creator didn't pick that up.

I'll uninstall and re run and retest

Mike Phillips
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Re: Sql server version of Photo Supreme

Post by thenetstriker »

I've just installed Photo Supreme SQL and converted my original IDImager database. Seams to work very good. The only problem i've seen so far is that special characters in the catalog viewer are displayed as UTF8 value. (e.g. "Plätze" is displayed as "Plätze") How can I fix this problem?
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Re: Sql server version of Photo Supreme

Post by Hert »

Seams to work very good
That's great!
The only problem i've seen so far is that special characters in the catalog viewer are displayed as UTF8 value
The best suggestion that I can provide is to manually update the name in PSU.

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Re: Sql server version of Photo Supreme

Post by thenetstriker »

IDimager wrote:Hello,
Seams to work very good
That's great!
The only problem i've seen so far is that special characters in the catalog viewer are displayed as UTF8 value
The best suggestion that I can provide is to manually update the name in PSU.

I've just tried to update the name in PSU. Strangely in the edit dialog the name is displayed correctly. When I save the entry again it is also displayed correctly in the catalog viewer. But when I restart PSU the catalog entries are again displayed as UTF8 values. How can I solve this problem?
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Re: Sql server version of Photo Supreme

Post by Hert »

With your additional info, I was able to reproduce this.
You can download build 166 from the website (there's no webupdate)

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Re: Sql server version of Photo Supreme

Post by space »

Been an interesting thread this has. Especially this last part concerning UTF8 characters presenting themselves in one way or the other. This "discovery" similar to the conversation covered in this thread http://forum.idimager.com/viewtopic.php?f=57&t=22938.

I too have had this come up or happen me - especially when using the © symbol. While this symbol might not be an "international language" character as cited above, its still a "special character". In some circumstances the copyright symbol used to appear with an "@" in front of it - this being an example "copyright @© 2013".

In recent times and for the most part, this no longer seems to come up. At one point thought this may have been a "hang over" of imports into PSu from earlier versions of Idimager - versions 3.x to 4.x. While I no longer see this event occurring in my present workflow, if I use something like Exiftools, can still the see affected data in the EXIF copyright field - this on files previously "ingested" with Idimager.

Hopefully build 166 will go some way to "fixing" this.

Cheers - Rogan
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Re: Sql server version of Photo Supreme

Post by Hert »

Rogan, the UTF8 discussion here is about the SQLServer version where special characters in the catalog label names in the Catalog Structure were displayed encoded. That got fixed on build 166. This is unrelated to special characters in metadata fields. They are leftovers from IDimager or other tools that you (may have) used. Also IDimager didn't mark the metadata block as being "UTF encoded" and as a result, other tools would not read the metadata as UTF8 encoded and hence wouldn't decode the UTF8 strings. PSU does mark the metadata section as UTF8 encoded. If you see encoded strings in PSU then update them in PSU and rewrite your metadata to file.

Please keep the topic on topic and and only post PSU-SQLServer aspects here.
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Re: Sql server version of Photo Supreme

Post by thenetstriker »

IDimager wrote:With your additional info, I was able to reproduce this.
You can download build 166 from the website (there's no webupdate)

I've just tested the new version, UTF8 values are now displayed correctly, thanks Hert!
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Re: Sql server version of Photo Supreme

Post by stefanknoll »

Hi Hert,

I decided to go for PS SQL server, installation is all fine, however maybe I should have had a look at the offered migration paths from IDImager first...

My question: is there any chance to migrate my catalog from IDImager Professional Desktop 5 to PS SQL-Server?

Kind regards, Stefan
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Re: Sql server version of Photo Supreme

Post by Hert »

Hi Stefan,

That is possible but the first step would then be to migratie your IDI-ProDesktop to IDI-ProSQLServer and then migrate that to PSU.

But have you considered to import your existing images with ICS reading switched on? Assuming that you write metadata to files with IDI then you can recreate the catalog from that metadata.

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Re: Sql server version of Photo Supreme

Post by stefanknoll »

Hi Hert,

yes, I thought about that too, but is there a way to achieve an identical structure of my controlled vocuabulary in PSU then?

Kind regards, Stefan
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