show album version by default

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show album version by default

Post by doug_w »

In Normal (i.e., thumbnail) view, is there a way to show the album version thumbnail by default? Currently the main version shows.


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Re: show album version by default

Post by Hert »

Make the album version the main version.

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David Grundy
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Re: show album version by default

Post by David Grundy »

Is there a way to do this simultanesouly for a large number of images? I can see how to do this one at a time, but not how to do it for many images at once.
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Re: show album version by default

Post by fbungarz »

It would indeed be fantastic if PSU allowed you to select a few thumbs and permit you choose which version you want to have displayed for these thumbs - that was mot even possible with IDI and would make versions sooo much more powerful...
What would be really cool is a feature that permits you to make a selection of a series of specific versions quickly, even different versions of one and the same image...
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Re: show album version by default

Post by David Grundy »

Frank, what you asked for would be useful. Effectively you want a tag for "preferred image" which can be attached specific image files, but is not synchronised across versions within a set. I think this means that within the existing capabilities you could use a star rating, or a particular colour, but not a catalog label for the purpose of denoting images which you want to display by default. Say you use the green label for this purpose. Then when you just want to see your preferred versions you filter on the Green label. You could label as many versions green as you like. Of course, bad luck if you also want to use colour labels for anything else ...

See also this suggestion (which of course is not an available feature, just an idea at the moment).

I also have a label-based workaround (as usual), developed a while ago but not tested yet. However it sounds complicated to implement (although it isn't really as bad as it looks) and I think people may laugh if I post it. :) Also it might not work, since I haven't actually tried it.

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Re: show album version by default

Post by David Grundy »

But actually, my question was intended as a different one: how to change the version placeholder assignments for many version sets at the same time? How to "Make the album version the main version" for the thousands of images for which it's currently not set up this way? Without going through all the clicks to do them each individually ...
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Re: show album version by default

Post by weidmic »

I believe that the script at the resource repository can do what you want and AFAIR this script will work in psu too... ... d996353e7c

Just give it a try...

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David Grundy
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Re: show album version by default

Post by David Grundy »

This looks promising. I'll try it when I have a chance later this week. Thanks!!
... David
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Re: show album version by default

Post by fbungarz »

I think this means that within the existing capabilities you could use a star rating, or a particular colour, but not a catalog label for the purpose of denoting images which you want to display by default. Say you use the green label for this purpose. Then when you just want to see your preferred versions you filter on the Green label. You could label as many versions green as you like. Of course, bad luck if you also want to use colour labels for anything else ...
Hi David,
this "workaround" is actually not working at all. Two reasons:
Unlike you suggest I am not interested in quickly being able to display just one particular version. Instead I am looking for a way how to quickly display any one out of all versions in use. So, one time I want to quickly display the print version, next time the black and white version, next time yet another one...
If I use one color label per version, I not only very quickly run out of colors, it also means I cannot use the color labels at all... :(
Versions are in essence already labels with which images are tagged automatically. Now, it is not only cumbersome to make sure that all my versions get tagged with a particular color label, it is also not fault-proof. What if I forgot to label some images correctly: then the whole workaround not only returns erroneous results it might also cause me to assume that perhaps that particular version does not exist - even though it does and i was just too sloppy to label it.

I just think versions as currently implemented in PSU no longer have any use. The way they work now, they might as well not be there at all. There is now way I can quickly check which images have which versions (no version panel). There is now way to quickly select a particular version for a specific purpose (IDI's useful "select version and open in external application" does not work). There is now way how to detect and automatically assign versions (no version wizard). There is now way how to collect sets of different versions (a feature that IDI also lacks, but at least using portfolios with "select version and open in external application" was a decent workaround...).

I know, Hert will say I am just complaining again. But seriously: anyone who still uses versions in IDI and if so: how? What can you actually do with versions in PSU?

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Re: show album version by default

Post by KeesdH »

Hi Frank,

You can automaticly detect and assign version although in a bit limited way. ( In the context menu)
Workaround for selecting a version: make your version placeholders favourites. Select the category you want to see and put it into the dynamic search field together with the placeholder and execute.

Unfortunately there is no placeholder for main version and therefore after a search( which shows all versions) you cannot select only the main version out of this search.

With most of your thinking I agree.
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Re: show album version by default

Post by Hert »


About your first point: right click - see more - from this version set. This gives you the full version set and you can pick the versions you need.

About your second point...see this post: ... 40#p101121
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Re: show album version by default

Post by fbungarz »

Hi KeesdH,
Workaround for selecting a version: make your version placeholders favorites. Select the category you want to see and put it into the dynamic search field together with the placeholder and execute.
Unfortunately this ONLY works if I am in the Catalog, it does not work with the Folders. Folders don't work with Dynamic Search.

HI Hert,
About your first point: right click - see more - from this version set. This gives you the full version set and you can pick the versions you need.
Despite you repeating this over and over and over again:
It does NOT give me the versions I need because (1) I want a specific version and (2) a specific version of SEVERAL images. "right click - see more - from this version set" works with ONE image ONLY !
About your second point...see this post: viewtopic.php?f=57&t=22540#p101121
This does not answer the question. The workaround that was suggested was to use the color label to mark the different versions and then filter by color labels to get a particular version of a set of images displayed together. This will of course not work if color labels are inherited across versions. So the post you are referring to actually in fact even "disables" the option to use color labels to mark different versions.

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Re: show album version by default

Post by Hert »

fbungarz wrote:Despite you repeating this over and over and over again:
It does NOT give me the versions I need because (1) I want a specific version and (2) a specific version of SEVERAL images. "right click - see more - from this version set" works with ONE image ONLY !
You keep asking the same over and over again, so yes, you get the same answer over and over again.

It's not true that "Show More From This Version Set" works for only ONE image only. Please verify things before writing them here as if it's're providing false information to others who also read here.
So the post you are referring to actually in fact even "disables" the option to use color labels to mark different versions.
My post I referred to, gives you the setting that is in IDimager and which allows you to rate/color-label the full version set. That's not a workaround but a tweak. Also, you say that it won't work because it "disables" the option to color mark different versions....yes, true but that was exactly what you asked for. You asked:
to make sure that all my versions get tagged with a particular color label
By making the tweak I referred to you'll make sure that all your versions get tagged with that particular color label. If that's not what you need, then either color tag the versions one by one with the tabs or use "Show more from version set".
As mentioned before, all my replies are to highlight what is possible, and I'm not writing about what is NOT possible. This forum is to discus what is possible with the existing features. If you miss features then you can make a request in Mantis (which you did) and then there's no value at all to keep discussing what is not possible.
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