I'm in the process of exporting files and metadata from MediaPro. In my tests it seems that PSU doesn't read the dc:description tag in my .xmp file.
I'm not sure if this is because of my PSU settings (even though I just resetted the Sync Settings), or if MediaPro's xmp file is formatted in a way that PSU cannot read.
XMP sidecar files are read for files that cannot hold embedded metadata. Can you mention what file format this XMP is a sidecar for? At first sight the XMP structure is correct.
Sorry if this was in the deleted second message.
Tip; if this is a sidecar for a file type that should have its XMP embedded then you can use right click -> Run script from repository -> Metadata -> Import from sidecar XMP file
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It's a big job and I've only now found the time to go back to this. Please excuse the long silence. I think I'm on a good way to get all my metadata into PSU from Media Pro now.
I found out by testing file types one by one if PSU reads xmp sidecar files. I only then understood what you mean by:
> XMP sidecar files are read for files that cannot hold embedded metadata.
"according to the XMP standard" in the settings means: PSU reads embedded metadata only for jpg/tif/psd/dng. I would love it if that could be expanded upon in the manual, as I think it's super essential to understand what the options are (and how PSU deals with different situations)
So in case it helps others: I'm following your manual on how to migrate from Media Pro, but I found it's a good idea to adapt the process, depending on file types. This is what I do when exporting annotations from Media Pro:
- filter by file type, and
- for those file types where PSU is sure to read it (jpg, tif, psd, dng) export annotations with "update embedded metadata when possible" checked.
- where embedded annotations are *not* read by PSU (I'm dealing with mov, mp4, cr2 and nef raw file types here) I uncheck "update embedded" and check the following two ("update sidecar" and "create sidecar when not present" to make sure MP creates them. I only do this for files that actually have annotations, because otherwise MP creates empty xmp files there.