solved: script "Create...Areas..." from the repository no longer works?

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Joined: 19 Jan 19 13:37

solved: script "Create...Areas..." from the repository no longer works?

Post by Ralf »

Sorry ,
has done itself, after compressing and calling up PSU again, it works again...maybe I had done too many actions before. PSU has now run for 5 days with many actions

can it be that a script from the repository no longer works?
I tag my photos as usual with TagThatPhoto and then load the script "Create CatalogLabels for Areas" in PSU.
For all I say no for the selected I say yes. The result is always created: 0, Linked:0
I haven't changed anything in the catalog or the label structure.

The example image has a blue area with the new name from TagThatPhoto and a manually created (E) also has a blue frame?!
Sonst hatte ich zwei unterschiedöliche Farben vor dem Script und anshcl. beide gleich.

Hobby photographer with many pictures (> 100000) of the family over generations.
(Excuse my english)
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