My preview size is set at the recommended 3200 but am thinking about lower that to either 2560 or 1920 but not sure how that will affect display quality on MacBook Pro 16 (Intel) with Display setting to 1536x960 in Mac settings. I chose this slightly larger text setting for easier reading.
Any thoughts on how that will change display of the image in PSu?
Preview size setting
Re: Preview size setting
3200 is the old recommended setting for your monitor resolution. In V5 that mattered. Since V6 (and now in V7), the recommended size is 1440, regardless the monitor resolution. Only go lower or higher when there’s a need for you.
By lowering your thumb size to 1440 you will not notice lower image quality. What you will notice is a drop in thumbs database size of about 5x
By lowering your thumb size to 1440 you will not notice lower image quality. What you will notice is a drop in thumbs database size of about 5x
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