Forum Rules

Posts: 7872
Joined: 13 Sep 03 6:24

Forum Rules

Post by Hert »

Forum rules
  1. The forums are organized by product. Start topics in the product forum that best matches your topic text.
  2. These forums are product forums and intended for questions about working with those products. Questions not related to the working of the products will be moderated.
  3. Do not post the same question multiple times.
  4. Post in a way that is respectful of other users. Flaming or abusing visitors, members, or team members, in any way will not be tolerated.
  5. This is a User-to-User forum, so users are your audience. Fellow users cannot help you with feature requests, product improvements, or product fixes. Those can be sent to support.
  6. Only respond to topics when you have something meaningful to contribute to the subject of that topic.
  7. Posting offensive text, images, links, etc. is not allowed.
  8. Post your topics or replies in English.
  9. Do not post with CAPITAL, bold, or colored text. This is considered to be shouting.
  10. When you start a new topic then use a descriptive subject that covers the content of the topic text.
  11. Spam is not tolerated.
  12. The administrator and moderating team reserve the right to edit, lock, remove or put on moderation queue any post/topic at any time.
This is a user-to-user forum. If you have suggestions, requests or need support then please send a message
Posts: 7872
Joined: 13 Sep 03 6:24

Re: Forum Rules

Post by Hert »

A reminder:

The forum is for product discussions, not for bug reporting. Reason is that bug topics pollute the forum. Once a bug is fixed then the topic becomes irrelevant and reduces the overall quality of the forum content.
Forum rule #5 is now rephrased as lately more topics are created that are in fact bug reports. Did you find a bug? Then send it to support.
This is a user-to-user forum. If you have suggestions, requests or need support then please send a message
Posts: 7872
Joined: 13 Sep 03 6:24

Re: Forum Rules

Post by Hert »

A reminder for the reminder above.
Please report support questions to support.
This is a user-to-user forum. If you have suggestions, requests or need support then please send a message