Search found 14 matches

by randym
05 Jan 25 23:24
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Verifying database password
Replies: 1
Views: 2751

Re: Verifying database password

Never mind. Under the catalogue menu, I found how to change the password after I was logged in.
by randym
05 Jan 25 23:07
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Verifying database password
Replies: 1
Views: 2751

Verifying database password

I'll soon be setting up shop on a new computer and want to be sure the password I have written down for my photo supreme database is correct. When I open the database on my current computer, the password automatically loads because I've checked the option "remember my password," but it shows as a ...
by randym
16 Jun 22 18:21
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Is it possible to I assign a rating or color label to all the selected thumbs?
Replies: 6
Views: 2837

Re: Is it possible to I assign a rating or color label to all the selected thumbs?

Yes, I have version 6. Is there a way to assign a color label to all selected thumbs similar to how ratings can be assigned?
by randym
16 Jun 22 16:23
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Is it possible to I assign a rating or color label to all the selected thumbs?
Replies: 6
Views: 2837

Re: Is it possible to assign a rating or color label to all the selected thumbs?

Thanks so much for your help. In the video Hert referenced, the ratings and color assignment can be selected when viewing the thumb. In my setup, that is not the case, as shown in the image below. I looked in settings and could see no way to select another thumb view option. Also, I thought that the ...
by randym
03 Sep 19 19:28
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Should spaces and/or commas be avoided in keywords?
Replies: 11
Views: 6484

Re: Should spaces and/or commas be avoided in keywords?

Thanks Hert. I should have been more specific with my question. I was aware that catalog labels are the way to create keywords in PS, and that PS searches work fine with spaces and commas included. My question concerns whether other popular applications are also fine with spaces and commas in ...
by randym
03 Sep 19 16:04
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Should spaces and/or commas be avoided in keywords?
Replies: 11
Views: 6484

Should spaces and/or commas be avoided in keywords?

Is there any reason avoid commas and/or spaces in key words that are embedded in images? For example, would "LastName, Firstname MiddleName" be better as LastName_Firstname_Middlename?
by randym
15 Jul 19 23:29
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Can’t update my email address for my forum account
Replies: 1
Views: 6331

Can’t update my email address for my forum account

Sorry to have to post this here; I tried to find a way to message Hert or an administrator from my control panel but I apparently don’t have permission.

On Sunday 7/14 I tried to log into the forum after a long time away. I did not readily recall my password so I tried the change it, but was told ...
by randym
15 Jul 19 17:01
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Help with script that imports metadata from csv file
Replies: 6
Views: 4115

Re: Help with script that imports metadata from csv file

Success!! Thanks so much.

For others' reference, I note that I was able to use the excel concatenate function to insert quotes and commas and then paste into notepad, and the notepad csv file worked without any further modification.
by randym
15 Jul 19 14:47
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Help with script that imports metadata from csv file
Replies: 6
Views: 4115

Re: Help with script that imports metadata from csv file

Thanks again for your help. I obviously am doing something wrong. So I will document here what I'm doing in detail.

This image shows that image "E:\aaaa slide scans\test script\imgx01.jpg" initially has dc:description = "current description"

This image ...
by randym
15 Jul 19 2:44
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Help with script that imports metadata from csv file
Replies: 6
Views: 4115

Re: Help with script that imports metadata from csv file

Thanks so much for the time you have taken with this. You did what I did except you put both the filename and the description in quotes. I made that change and I get the same non-result.

I am using the latest version of PS: (64 bit)
The script version is 1.40 as indicated in the top of ...
by randym
14 Jul 19 18:32
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Help with script that imports metadata from csv file
Replies: 6
Views: 4115

Help with script that imports metadata from csv file

I have followed the instructions at
to import text from a csv file to the dc:description field of two image files. When I click on “import,” the activity window at the bottom left does a quick flitter but the ...
by randym
10 Jan 17 15:45
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Corrupt photo dates
Replies: 21
Views: 22052

Re: Corrupt photo dates

Thanks. I did note that the topic starter was active on the forum as late as 12/31, so he or she apparently has not given up on photo supreme, as I would if I thought it was corrupting metadata dates.
by randym
08 Jan 17 0:10
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Corrupt photo dates
Replies: 21
Views: 22052

Re: Corrupt photo dates

What is the status on this issue? Given its potential seriousness, I'm surprised it has been inactive for so long.