I've had recent problem where I select all (and multiple select) and then enter the Headline for all those photos and then click away. PSU enters the information in Headline for most but not all of the selected. There doesn't seem to be any pattern for those not completed.
I've had this with all camera files lately and the latest is for iPhone jpg files. I had only 24 photos.
What would cause this? Anything I can check or am I the only one with this problem?
This is relatively new issue for me. It started earlier this year and never had the problem before.
PSU v2024.1.2.6466 on Macbook Pro Intel with Ventura 13.5.2
Edit. The problem is with more than Headline. I had selected the 24 jpgs and accidentally clicked on rotate right button. It went the the process but when done not all were rotated.
Select All does not complete command
Re: Select All does not complete command
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