what does a very-dim-catalog label in ctrl+F list mean?

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what does a very-dim-catalog label in ctrl+F list mean?

Post by andrew.heard »

From Categories > ctrl+F > sometimes the list contains barely visible labels - what does these results signify? Whatever it means, I suggest the labels are slightly more visible (for months before writing this post I had actually thought the results were totally blank!). For example ctrl+F "sign" displays a list with 6 entries as shown in the screen capture, the top 4 of which are barely visible in addition to "school sign" & "sign".
20221227-145320-Photo Supreme _ database photosupreme.cat.jpg
20221227-145320-Photo Supreme _ database photosupreme.cat.jpg (23.12 KiB) Viewed 3607 times
Thanks for any help, and happy new year.
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Re: what does a very-dim-catalog label in ctrl+F list mean?

Post by andrew.heard »

Some further info during an intensive cataloging session...

I have a top level category named "other-metadata". On further examination, it appears that any ctrl+F results which relate to this category are very dim. For example I have a nested category other-metadata > theme > accident, as shown below. When I type ctrl+F > accident, the single item in the list is as below:
20221227-153441-Photo Supreme _ database photosupreme.cat.jpg
20221227-153441-Photo Supreme _ database photosupreme.cat.jpg (19.33 KiB) Viewed 3600 times
Does this suggest something inconsistent with the database? I have done a compaction.
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Re: what does a very-dim-catalog label in ctrl+F list mean?

Post by G8DHE »

Don't think I have ever seen that ?
In mine People, Events and Objects are all Bold font, whilst Places, Styles and Misc are all normal font, but nothing like your pictures at all.
Geoff Mather (G8DHE)
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Re: what does a very-dim-catalog label in ctrl+F list mean?

Post by andrew.heard »

cheers Geoff. I'm 90% sure it's related to the top level "other-metadata"...
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Re: what does a very-dim-catalog label in ctrl+F list mean?

Post by Hert »

The "slightly visible" is the see-through of the menu. What you see slightly visible is what is behind the menu.

Maybe the text is being wrapped? What happens if you widen the left panel?
Could also be that you have special characters (like line feed) inside the label name that causes wrapping in the drop down. Try this: edit the "accident" properties, select all text in the name field (Ctrl-A) then re-enter the text. Do that for its parents too. That rules out special characters.

If that too doesn’t help, can you share a screenshot for the label properties and for its parents (including the new category default). Tia
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Re: what does a very-dim-catalog label in ctrl+F list mean?

Post by andrew.heard »

thanks for your suggestions Hert & happy new year

>The "slightly visible" is the see-through of the menu
well spotted! confirmed

>Maybe the text is being wrapped? What happens if you widen the left panel?
no change (all the labels are intentionally short)

is top level category "other-metadata" OK given ctrl+F "physical" works (& no text wrapping):
20221229-082145-Photo Supreme _ database photosupreme.cat.jpg
20221229-082145-Photo Supreme _ database photosupreme.cat.jpg (41.31 KiB) Viewed 3429 times
>Could also be that you have special characters (like line feed) inside the label name that causes wrapping in the drop down.
it doesn't appear to be

>Try this: edit the "accident" properties, select all text in the name field (Ctrl-A) then re-enter the text.
> Do that for its parents too. That rules out special characters.
I re-entered "accident", parent "theme" and category "other-metadata" but it made no different

screenshots for the label properties and for its parents
20221229-081526-Photo.jpg (53.4 KiB) Viewed 3430 times
>including the new category default
I'm not sure what this is, sorry
Posts: 219
Joined: 15 Jun 10 23:36

Re: what does a very-dim-catalog label in ctrl+F list mean?

Post by andrew.heard »

Just a quick progress report on this topic: Hert identified there was some "cache table that wasn't filled correctly" in a prior database upgrade. Hert was able to fix my 500MB photosupreme.cat.db & it all appears to be working again now. Great support. Happy new year to all & especially Hert.
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