PSU created folders in catalog when I told it to ignore
PSU created folders in catalog when I told it to ignore
I just used the "verify folder Quick" function on a folder that has several sub-folders that another photo editor uses. These folders do not contain images so I marked those folders to "ignore this folder" in the verify results. However, PSU added all those folders to the catalog. Why would that be?
Re: PSU created folders in catalog when I told it to ignore
Never mind. I assumed that "ignore this folder" meant that PSU would ignore it and not add it to the tree structure. But it does add it and then marks it as an ignored folder. It would be nice if there was a way to hide ignored folders but that's just me.
Re: PSU created folders in catalog when I told it to ignore
There is "Do nothing" option totally ignores it. I do have a feature request in that specified folder names in the configuration options could have there default option set see and perhaps login and +1 in so Hert can see that others would like it as well ?
Also mentioned here in the forum viewtopic.php?f=57&t=28390
Also mentioned here in the forum viewtopic.php?f=57&t=28390
Geoff Mather (G8DHE)