i have a questions as im using photosupreme server version running postgresql
i wanted to know best practices on using pgadmin3 for doing some database maintenance
i wanted to know should i stick to using photosupremes maintenance tools or can i use the pgadmin3 tools .
in the pgadmin3 dashboard i see thats theres a postgres folder , my photosupreme catalog folder , and my photosupreme catalog thumbs folder
if i right click on anyone of those folders there is an option for maintenance and the following options are given - -vacuum, analyze, reindex, cluster
vacuum options - full , freeze, analyze
then theres an option to check off verbose messages
i dont want to run these actions on photosupremes folders until i know its ok to do so and or what options and suggestions one can make when doing this or should i just stick to using photosupremes compact and backup tools.
any info is greatly appreciated.
photosupreme database maintenance question
Re: photosupreme database maintenance question
In general the rule is: if you know what you're doing then certainly use it. You should be safe using vacuum, reindex or backup using pgadmin.
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