Questions from IDimager User

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Questions from IDimager User

Post by MikeA01730 »


I've used use IDimager for many years & now decided it was time to try Photo Supreme. So far I've found it powerful and easy to use but there are a few things I can't figure out how to do:
1) When I select a number of images to view in the Light Table and then view them I only see 6 images. That's not enough for me: IDI let me view 30 at a time and I need to see lots of images on the screen at once. I know the arrow keys scroll left or right through the images but that's not what I need. I'm guessing that PS lets me adjust this but I can't find a preference for it anywhere. How do I control the number of images I can view on one screen in Light Table?
2) When most applications (including IDI) open they restore the window position and size to what it was when it was last closed. However every time I reopen PS it opens maximized. I then have to click the restore window icon, but it restores to a big window that's almost full screen instead of the size it was when I closed. I then have to drag a window corner to configure the window the way want I want. I know this sounds minor but it bugs me to have to do this all the time. Can PS be configured to restore the window to it's configuration when it was last closed?

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