Import problems: nonsense name, & interruption= lost images?

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Import problems: nonsense name, & interruption= lost images?

Post by flossie »

Hi folks,

Two issues - one stressing me out and one just a bit annoying...
1) I set up a new file import profile which imports images from my camera to the catalog; automatically renames them (yyyy-mm-dd_CameraName_filename.filetype); files them according to date rules; creates a session import label; verify ingested image with original; then removes them from the camera's XD card. PROBLEM: camera batteries went flat a few minutes into the import session. We swapped the batteries over. Error message said something like session interrupted, image stream (something, something - I should have taken a screen shot). I could choose between fix or cancel and start again. So I clicked start again and it completed the task. MEGA PROBLEM: PSU only shows one import session for today - the completed one - and only 604 images - but there were far more than this on the card - I don't recall exactly, but at least 690...
Sadly, I appear to have verified that these images are gone - but can't for the life of me tell where to...
- Windows Explorer says the camera card is now empty;
- They aren't in the desktop Trash bin;
- I can't find any kind of Trash bin in PSU...

Obviously I've now learnt important lessons - to never ever import without using fresh batteries, and to also never never use the 'remove files when completed' option in an Import Profile.

BUT FOR NOW, I am really really hoping there is a digital footprint/shadow of these missing images somewhere and that I can somehow get them back.

If anyone has any bright spark ideas and I'd be so grateful!

Many thanks,

2) Odd file rename issue - There were three .avi files. Only one has been imported (the other two may have been lost as per above). Although I have set up the Import Profile to rename the file yyyy-mm-dd_CameraName_filename.filetype, it has created a nonsense file year in the name, and also created nonsense folders to file them in. Its now named 2032-12-28... which makes no sense! This only seems to happen to .avi files.
BTW, I know that for .avi metadata fields, this camera writes correctly to File Date and File Modified but leaves Date Taken blank. I had hoped that by *not* choosing 'Set File Date to Moment Taken' during Import, I would avoid this problem occurring.

Thanks again!
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Re: Import problems: nonsense name, & interruption= lost ima

Post by Hert »


A quick reply for now; use a tool like Recuva to recover the deleted files from the memory card. It should be free. ... 53287.html

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Re: Import problems: nonsense name, & interruption= lost ima

Post by Hert »

I know that for .avi metadata fields, this camera writes correctly to File Date and File Modified but leaves Date Taken blank
Metadata for video files is a "drama", there's no standard used as does EXIF for pictures. Every vendor does its own thing...
Would it be possible to send me a sample AVI file from your camera so that I can investigate it to see if it can be supported?

Thank you
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Location: Christchurch, New Zealand

Re: Import problems: nonsense name, & interruption= lost ima

Post by flossie »

Brilliant - thank you very much for that link (precious pics) :)

Also thanks heaps for considering the AVI file compatibility - will send sample tomorrow.

Best wishes
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