Error in thumbnails, how to rebuild them?

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Error in thumbnails, how to rebuild them?

Post by maurizio »

I have installed the trial version of Photo Supreme to test it with a small but significant subset of my photo archive.
After the initial bewilderment, I must say that Photo Supreme seems quite a good improvement in terms of speed and neatness of the UI, and all the most important features are still there.

However, I encountered an error "Can't allocate the DIB handle (0)" which is displayed on a few thumbnails (typically large 16bit TIFFs).
This is nothing new, sometimes the same error occurred in IDI too, but everything went OK after rebuilding the thumbnail.
How can rebuild a thumbnail in Photo Supreme ?
Why is this error occurring ?

Thanks in advance,

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Re: Error in thumbnails, how to rebuild them?

Post by maurizio »

Just found the new cmd CTRL ALT T.
The thumb was rebuilt without the error.
Still understanding why these errors occur ... memory? I've got 8GB.

Kind regards,

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Re: Error in thumbnails, how to rebuild them?

Post by Hert »

This is a windows limitation for its DIBs (device independent bitmap)

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Re: Error in thumbnails, how to rebuild them?

Post by dimaip »

Hert, I also get this error sometimes. What do you mean by Windows limitation? No way to fix or overcome it?

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Re: Error in thumbnails, how to rebuild them?

Post by Hert »

dimaip wrote:No way to fix or overcome it?
Not that I know of.
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Re: Error in thumbnails, how to rebuild them?

Post by mphillips »

Hi Hert

But why does it mostly occur during a multiple thumbnail rebuild - but when you select each as a single image and rebuild it works.

Do you get an error back when this happens - can we add these "white" images to a catalog state - its just such a mission to scroll through loads of images and individually rebuild them

And is this also why some D800 images are incorrectly rotated - but and individual Ctl+Alt+T corrects the rotation ?

Mike Phillips
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Re: Error in thumbnails, how to rebuild them?

Post by Hert »


No, I don't expect that to be the same. That is likely a tag discrepancy issue.

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Re: Error in thumbnails, how to rebuild them?

Post by mphillips »

Thanks Hert

Not sure that its a tag discrepancy (in image details rotation?) because if you IMMEDIATELY and INDIVIDUALLY Ctrl+Alt+T the thumbnail it rotates perfectly. And when one looks at the image details the rotation is being correctly reported.

I have popped up a movie at ... ssues.html
for you to look at.

i will also try and find the mantis and add the link to this movie to it.


Mike Phillips
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Re: Error in thumbnails, how to rebuild them?

Post by andrew.heard »

I've just migrated 22,000 files from IDI server to PS. Thanks to Dimitri & Hert the initial migration has gone ok "so far", except quite a lots of the images in various portfolio collections have missing thumbnails - displayed as "missing or medium not loaded". I tried Tools > Build Missing Thumbnails but after about 20 minutes of progress PS crashed - "IDimagerSU.exe has encountered a problem" etc. etc. I think the "General Service" had completed and Thumbnail Service was at ~20%.

When I right click one of these images > Locate in Windows Explorer, I get the same text "missing or medium not loaded" in a message box. The files do exist and are displayed properly in IDI.

I gave Tools > Build Missing Thumbnails a 2nd go, and this time it completed after 45 minutes, but then just stopped at 99.9% displaying the last file; and it made no difference to the missing thumbnails.

Maurizio mentions ctrl+alt+T to refresh a thumbnail (thanks) - it made no difference either - can this function be included on the file's context menu otherwise how can you "discover" this function exists? The same may be true for the redate function - ctrl+shift+D and rename function ctrl+shift+R?
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Re: Error in thumbnails, how to rebuild them?

Post by andrew.heard »

I have now discovered it is IDimager that is the cause of the "missing" files, not Photo Supreme. When I look at the "details" for a missing file in IDI I can see the folder is wrong or renamed or moved but never got updated. IDI is displaying a preview (although in Options I have Store Previews in Database unchecked) and not alerting me that it can't find the actual file. PS is doing the "right thing". Maybe this is going off topic but how can I now re-associate the meta data with the correct file path? It appears I have 100's or more of these zombie files although the IDI Catalog State doesn't list *any* of these files as Out Of Sync.
Mike Buckley
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Re: Error in thumbnails, how to rebuild them?

Post by Mike Buckley »

andrew.heard wrote:I have now discovered it is IDimager that is the cause of the "missing" files, not Photo Supreme. When I look at the "details" for a missing file in IDI I can see the folder is wrong or renamed or moved but never got updated.
Back up your catalog in IDImager. Open the Catalog Explorer and right click the Catalog Folder where the database "thinks" the image is being stored. Select "Relocate this folder on disk." The rest is intuitive.

When using IDimager, I recommend that you regularly include a particular database-maintenance process: In the Search menu, select "Search Missing Images in Catalog." Once thumbnails are returned with the blue dot in the bottom right corner, determine the folder that the image should be stored in. Select a thumbnail. Notice the display in the bottom of the IDimager window explaining the folder where the database inaccurately "thinks" the image is being stored. Select that Catalog Folder in the Catalog Explorer and and proceed with the procedure explained above.

I have used very little of Photo Supreme and don't yet know which catalog maintenance procedures to recommend. I assume they are similar if not the same as routinely maintaining the IDimager database.
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Re: Error in thumbnails, how to rebuild them?

Post by andrew.heard »

Thanks Mike. I've only just noticed those little blue dots in IDI & wondered what they were all about. Too late for future IDI development but when you hover over one it would have been handy if the tool-tip explained why the dot was being displayed. You are incredibly generous with your support of fellow users. I'm sure everyone really appreciates it. Although still a lot of work ahead before my final migration, PS is looking pretty promising to me, it runs *far* faster on my aged XP PC and I can learn to live with the changed feature set.

I submitted 2 minor bugs via mantis & they have already been fixed - wow!
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Re: Error in thumbnails, how to rebuild them?

Post by andrew.heard »

I couldn't relocate the main folder, it displays the error message box shown below. There were 12 sub-folders, and I was able to relocate 11 of them, with one giving the same nasty error. Unfortunately you can only relocate whole folders and not individual files otherwise I'd eventually (tediously) be able to determine which file was the culprit. The folder has 88 files I can't relocate.
error msgbox
error msgbox
2012-09-25 19-52-11_Info.jpg (21.1 KiB) Viewed 12654 times
Mike Buckley
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Re: Error in thumbnails, how to rebuild them?

Post by Mike Buckley »

Deleted post. I responded thinking the post was about IDimager and just now realized six weeks later that it pertains to Supreme. Apologies!
Last edited by Mike Buckley on 31 Oct 12 12:50, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Error in thumbnails, how to rebuild them?

Post by ketsko »

The "DIB handle" problem surely cannot be a Windows issue alone? I never encounter similar problems in other programs, and the problem is much more persistent in PS than it was in IDI5. In IDI5 it happened very rarely until I got my D800, but those big files started to trigger the problem regularly. However, in PS it occurs all over the place, also with older files that never caused problems before (granted, they are big tiffs, but as I said, no problem in any other program including IDI5).

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