Archive selected images to Folder

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Archive selected images to Folder

Post by maurizio »

on IDImager, with ctrl-Alt-A, I had the possibility to copy a set of previously selected images to another folder. The tool provides many useful options, not last the possibility to circumscribe the action to a particular version.
E.g. I could select all images in a catalog folder and specify to archive only a specific version. I could specify the behaviour in case of duplicate file detection, etc. . (A very powerful tool, actually, only the possibility to save presets was missing).

I can do the same thing in PSU? The only tool I found is "Share / Copy to Folder". But it is something which is not even comparable to the powerful tool I had in IDI.
Am I missing something ? Is there some hidden command which I was not able to find to open the Archive to Folder tool?

Thanks in advance,

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Re: Archive selected images to Folder

Post by Hert »

Maurizio, There is no Archiver in PSU.

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Re: Archive selected images to Folder

Post by compdev »

Even though there is no Archiver in PSU, is it still possible to set up a manual archiving workflow?

1) Import a set of images into the catalog
2) From Catalog -> Folder view, move a set of images to another location (e.g. external harddisk, DVD, etc.)
* I can not figure out how to do this.
3) At later time, access a thumbnail and have it report which medium the resource is located on.
* PSU will report that the resource is missing or on a disconnected medium, but does not say the volume name.

Does anyone know how to do steps 2) & 3) in PSU? This would effectively work as a arching workflow for me. Thanks.
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Re: Archive selected images to Folder

Post by compdev »

Given the two steps below (in response the previous post), one can archive resources on external media and find them with the information provided within PSU. Remember to keep a list of the external media' unique serial numbers shown in the "By Folder" catalog view since drive letters and volume letters can easily change. I label the actual serial number on the external media (e.g. "PSU media id: C2F8-E4F2") and keep a spreadsheet of volume names, volume types, and PSU serial IDs.

2) How to move images from one location to another:
a. outside of PSU, physically move or copy the current folder to the new location (e.g. from local disk to external harddisk)
b. in PSU, choose "By Folder" for Catalog view
c. right-click on the folder you just moved and select "Relocate Folder..."
d. in the navigation dialog which opens, select the new location of the folder (from step a.; in this example on the external drive)
e. verify by right-clicking on a thumbnail available in this new location and select "Locate in Windows Explorer"
f. if the option is available (it is greyed out when the media is disconnected) then the image should open and you know the catalog has updated the resource location
Note: Any time you store media on external media, note down its unique id # (see next step for where that is found) and keep a record of it (such as in an external media spreadsheet)

3) How to uniquely identify the media which externally stored resources are on:
a. in PSU, find the image you want to locate the original resource for
b. click "info" icon at bottom of screen and note the drive letter and entire path shown in the "Location" field (this was the original drive letter when the media was imported into the catalog; this can change since drive letters are arbitrary for external media in Windows OS)
c. choose "By Folder" for Catalog view; you should see all originals paths of resources imported into the catalog
b. choose the path which matches the path from step b.; note the volume name and unique id for reference
c. if the media is disconnected and when reconnecting it is assigned a different drive letter, you will not be able to open the original image; in this case see step 2) from above to relocate the folder to the new drive letter
Note: I think it is a bug that resources are mapped to drive letters when the application clearly recognizes and stores uniquely identifying serial #s, but the Relocate feature allows a workaround.

Please reply to this post if you have a more efficient solution for archiving media using PSU.
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Re: Archive selected images to Folder

Post by Hert »

Since .63 You can also copy/cut and paste physical folders within the By Folders view (provided that they are on line and on a writable medium)

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