wrote: 17 Sep 24 21:24
The real problem is the need of more than double of database while compacting.
And the real real problem is the lack of knowledge in database programming as there is obviously no optimisation during runtime.
Sad news for you, Link648099, you chose one of the poorest projects available. Run as long as you didn't pay anything here!!
The "real problem" seems to be that you have an axe to grind. Virtually every comment that you made here on the forum is negative. If you don't like the software, fine, don't use it. If you have constructive criticism to contribute, we all welcome that. But insinuating that Hert lacks "knowledge in database programming" is simply offensive.
Personally, I have complained a lot about many aspects of PSu that I didn't like or which I hoped could be improved. But I have always tried to provide constructive suggestions and not venture into personal attacks against the programmer. I know, on the internet everyone seems to think they can just say anything they want these days. That still doesn't mean ranting should just be tolerated.
Again, if you don't like PSu, don't use it. But spare us your counterproductive comments.
Thank you,