Image orientation - WORST UPDATE EVER

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Image orientation - WORST UPDATE EVER

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Since update to ...6626 ALL of my 311244 RAW files are horizontal. EVERY single alignment is gone. Thank you for nothing, Loser-Hat.
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Re: Image orientation - WORST UPDATE EVER

Post by RobiWan »

Are you sure this is the right way to vent your frustration?
I've had a lot of discussions with hert, some of them very heated - but never in public. What we write to each other by e-mail always stays with us. Criticizing someone in public can make you not want to have a conversation with them.
Maybe think about it, especially since this isn't a big company where the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing
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Re: Image orientation - WORST UPDATE EVER

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The fact that it is not a large company makes it all the worse, given the feedback behaviour of our User Hat.

If I take money for the licence of a program and then deliver SOMETHING like Photo Supreme, then the discussion MUST be as public as possible in order to give other people an insight BEFOREhand into WHAT they might be spending their money on.

And whether Hert doesn't feel like answering me anymore, or whether he lets off such useless user responses as he does, doesn't matter in the end. Either way, his behaviour is not helpful for us users.
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Re: Image orientation - WORST UPDATE EVER

Post by dpaine »

I'm in strong agreement with RobiWan, there are more effective ways of dealing with frustration than berating someone in public.
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Re: Image orientation - WORST UPDATE EVER

Post by G8DHE »

Not quite sure why you continue to use the product as you don't seem to find the support and features to your liking!
Surely these are the sort of things you find out during the free evaluation, 30 day period!
Geoff Mather (G8DHE)
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Re: Image orientation - WORST UPDATE EVER

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G8DHE wrote: 21 Aug 24 14:45 Not quite sure why you continue to use the product as you don't seem to find the support and features to your liking!
Surely these are the sort of things you find out during the free evaluation, 30 day period!
This update wasn't in my trail period. And if a 20-year-old app comes from there, then you should be able to assume that it can do the basic things, such as distinguish between clockwise and anti-clockwise ( viewtopic.php?t=35513 ).

But that's exactly what this app is all about: not knowing where left and right are, the main thing from the user's point of view is that the user is always to blame.
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Re: Image orientation - WORST UPDATE EVER

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dpaine wrote: 21 Aug 24 13:48 I'm in strong agreement with RobiWan, there are more effective ways of dealing with frustration than berating someone in public.
There are also more effecient ways to spend the next weeks, instead of reviewing 311k of pictures.
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Re: Image orientation - WORST UPDATE EVER

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G8DHE wrote: 21 Aug 24 14:45 Not quite sure why you continue to use the product as you don't seem to find the support and features to your liking!
Surely these are the sort of things you find out during the free evaluation, 30 day period!
But that's exactly why this public discussion about this abysmally bad software is SO important: so that everyone can see the things that are going wrong here!
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Re: Image orientation - WORST UPDATE EVER

Post by Sigi »

So far it seems you are the only one with this problem after the update. What did you do that the others did not? What OS are you using. Sofar you have not provided any information that we could help.
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Re: Image orientation - WORST UPDATE EVER

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Thank you for your enquiry, Sigi

As you can imagine, I'm pretty much on fire, so I haven't actually written anything about it.

I opened four folders of photos in Adobe Bridge last weekend to view the photos there (I still like it better there than in Photo Supreme).

On Monday I was working in Photo Supreme in my archive, tagging people. Then came the update. After that I continued to fill ‘people in the picture’. The photos I viewed at the weekend were not affected.

Today I open Adobe Bridge again for the slideshow, one of the folders from the weekend opens and Bridge suddenly reloads the previews. All the RAW images were horizontal without exception.

So I went through various old folders from the 2010s and it was the same everywhere: the previews, which had to be created in these folders in the first place because these images were not cached, were all aligned horizontally. These are studio images, which we have completely aligned in portrait and landscape format for the customer to view. This is how I imported them into Photo Supreme over time. The orientation was entered in the XMP files in the TIFF namespace area, just as Adobe Bridge/ACR/Adobe Photoshop, ACDsee, DxO PhotoLab, Luminar Neo and Affinity Photo write and read the orientation.

When I open the XMP files in Textedit, this entry is missing in all the files I open. Even from folders that I have not opened since importing the photos in Photo Supreme.

Furthermore, it has just cost me an incredible amount of effort to import the correct orientation of newly rotated images from Adobe Bridge into Photo Supreme. Initially, there was a constant offset of 90° (in Bridge correctly in portrait format, in Photo Supreme always in landscape format after re-reading (CMD+ALT+S) the metadata and re-generating the thumbnails, because Photo Supreme cannot do this on its own).

About the environment: macOS 14.6, photos stored on an external HDD, the weekly backup was made on Tuesday and unfortunately overwrote the previous data from the previous week; it apparently only affected the XMP files, as the backup went through relatively quickly and PSD and TIFF files are not affected, they are still standing alone in portrait format.

tl;dr: the alignment information has been irrevocably removed from apparently all XMPs in my archive. Fortunately, other data such as tags, people, captured locations or Adobe Camera Raw development are still available.
I can only imagine that Monday's update is responsible for this; however, it is absolutely inexplicable to me how this could happen. I don't have any folder actions or other cron jobs running, neither in Photo Supreme nor on the rest of the system.
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Re: Image orientation - WORST UPDATE EVER

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PS: all data are in sync in photo supreme, so it doesn't haven any effect, if I write Meta to file (CMD + S). There is nowhere any red dot, which shows, that there are some asynchronies between database and xmp.

And to be completely honest: I'm no longer interested. Trust in the Photo Supreme app is dead, it couldn't be any deader. I will never open this app again with a hard disk connected or use it to import my photos or edit data. There have been too many errors in the past 12 months, which are evidence of unprofessional app development. Coupled with the unqualified comments from the administrator here, who is partly responsible for this app but can only point out with users that they should have done things differently.

Best example: People in the picture ( viewtopic.php?t=35513 ). There is a Person in picture field in the details in the IPTC extensions section. This is where I have entered the names of people pictured in the past 10 months. Suddenly, even after an update, this no longer worked and the app stopped responding. The answer with User Hat on was: yes, but it's best to leave that to the app anyway, or do it via the catalog labels.
So I ask myself: what's the point of the editable text field in the details? There is even a + to enter additional names/persons. What's the point if a. it doesn't work and b. the information is suddenly to be entered via catalog labels? The same applies to the keywords. If I enter keywords in the details, they are not saved. Why can I then enter something there?

If I assign identical copyright information to several images (identical because they have a corresponding profile) and then select at least two of these images, the copyright information is suddenly empty. Are they there? Are they saved? Am I working into the void and everything is gone after closing?

If I assign a profile to several hundred images in which information is to be assigned, then after running the profile, some of the images are in sync, while others suddenly have a red dot and the data has obviously not been saved in the XMP.

I'm fed up with this data roulette. It's tiring to constantly see someone in charge who tries to evade his responsibility and who seems to have no respect for the users who point out his own mistakes.

I'm done. I'm just getting started.
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Re: Image orientation - WORST UPDATE EVER

Post by JensSteyer » wrote: 21 Aug 24 11:59 Since update to ...6626 ALL of my 311244 RAW files are horizontal. EVERY single alignment is gone. Thank you for nothing, Loser-Hat.
Everything is displayed correctly for me - even after installing 2024.2.2.6626.
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Re: Image orientation - WORST UPDATE EVER

Post by RobiWan »

Well Jens, what can you say - for most people everything works as it should, but not for him. Of course, it may still be a BUG in PSU, but instead of proceeding in a structured way, he is scolding the whole world because he can't get anything done.
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Re: Image orientation - WORST UPDATE EVER

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RobiWan wrote: 21 Aug 24 19:15 Well Jens, what can you say - for most people everything works as it should, but not for him. Of course, it may still be a BUG in PSU, but instead of proceeding in a structured way, he is scolding the whole world because he can't get anything done.
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