Light Table white screen

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Light Table white screen

Post by Larry56 »

I don't know if this is a bug, user error, or maybe computer resources maxed but could use some input before submitting to Mantis if necessary.

I've been working on culling a large batch of photos taken in burst mode so I have at least 2 and sometimes up to 4 of basically the same photo. This first step is deleting the obvious sub-standard. I do this by selecting at least two and sometimes up to 4 jpg photos and click on Light Table. Normally that works without any problem. I can then mark as rejected. Hit esc, select the associated RAW files and mark with X and then move down to the next set of like photos.

After a while when I click on the Light Table icon it opens a white screen without the photos and a MacOS spinning beach ball. The top of the screen has the Light Table icons but nothing else. I've waited at least 1 minute hoping that I can force quite or get a PSu response but nothing. I end up hard powering off as I can't get to computer screen or dock to force quit.

I have no idea why this would happen unless the repetitive Light Table viewing is eating up memory and resources and my computer doesn't like it for some reason.

Any idea or have you experienced it too?

PSU 2024.2.0.6516 on Macbook Sonoma 14.5
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Re: Light Table white screen

Post by roddyt »

I have a similar issue, and it's close enough that it may be the same problem. I'm also on Sonoma 14.5, but on an iMac. Like you, I get occasional freezes with the spinning beach ball, and it is mostly when I open the light table, though it has also happened other times, such as opening the viewer.

This started when I updated to 2.0.6497. Before that it rarely froze. I was going to report it, but the freezing was happening less often from when I first updated. I'm currently on 6536, so maybe improvements were made along the way. It does still happen though (once yesterday).

Aside from that, you said you have to power off. Are you aware that opt-cmd-esc will pop up a screen to force quit applications? You can quit PSu from there. That works for me anyway.
Posts: 517
Joined: 05 Jul 10 5:57

Re: Light Table white screen

Post by Larry56 »

Thanks for the keyboard combination. I didn't know that. I just installed 6536 so will see if the problem continues.

I was going to report on Mantis but can't log in so will have to first contact Hert about that issue first.
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