Marking photos and displaying the image data

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Marking photos and displaying the image data

Post by mwdnr »

~~Tagging~~ Marking the photos is a real pain! (Sorry, translation mistake, simmilar to the EN-GER translation of photo orientation 'landscape' and 'portrait' as 'Landschaft' and 'Portrait', instead of 'Querformat' and 'Hochformat'.)

Using the arrow key to select several photos while holding down the Shift key is simply not possible. After selecting the second photo and before selecting the third photo, Photo Supreme takes a long second to remember the developer. Otherwise the selection is immediately lost.

In addition, identical image data is simply not displayed in an arbitrary manner when multiple photos are selected. So sometimes. But not always.

Why is that? Any solutions? As I said before: my confidence in buying an upgrade is tending towards 0.

Photo "Slapstick" Supreme:

Many thanks in advance!
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Re: Marking photos and displaying the image data

Post by roddyt »

I didn't even know you could select photos by holding the shift key and pressing the arrow key, but I tried it, and did not see the problem you describe. Each time I press the arrow key, the next photo is selected (along with the others) without delay.

Having done that though, it is not something I would ever do myself. My method for selecting is, after selecting the first photo, hold the command key down (control, I believe, for Windows) with my index finger, and hold my middle finger over the shift key. If I want to select a contiguous series of photos, I hold the shift key down and select the last photo of the series; no need to release the command key. The command key by itself is for non-contiguous selections. By always having the command key pressed, there is no chance of accidentally clicking a photo and deselecting all others.

Just my method, but you may want to try it. I have nothing to offer about your other issue.
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Re: Marking photos and displaying the image data

Post by fbungarz »

I can confirm that this works perfectly here. No issues whatsoever.
Is it possible that you are trying to select images for which thumbs haven't been built?
Without the thumbnails the program indeed behaves rather sluggish.
Looking at most of your recent posts, I believe many of the glitches you are experience might be the result of having failed to wait for a complete import to finish. Importing a large collection of images can take several hours. Thumbnails need to be build, keywords and metadata ingested, versions detected, etc., etc.
Lots of users just trying out PSU initially report being frustrated, not understanding why the import takes that long. And the temptation to simply cancel out of it they then are surprised that the program upon restart behaves rather sluggish.
PSU uses two databases and depending on the complexity of the catalog these can become rather large. These databases only work well if the program had sufficient time to build them. And if you are using the standalone SQLite edition making sure that the databases are intact and regularly compacted (and diligent backups) to safeguard against database corruption are a must.
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Re: Marking photos and displaying the image data

Post by Mke »

fbungarz wrote: 13 Mar 24 19:33 I can confirm that this works perfectly here. No issues whatsoever.
Me too, in Windows. I do this in virtually every session without a problem.
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