Removing all labels

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Removing all labels

Post by PatrickJ »

I have about 2000 photos imported from my old DAM, which between them have tons of keywords/labels I no longer use or that have since long changed structure, name etc. Is there a way to bulk delete these somehow and start fresh? Currently the only way I've found is to select each image, go to "Labels" and manually deselect each label. That is going to take some time - hoping there is a more efficient way. :D


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Re: Removing all labels

Post by Sigi »

You can select ALL images and then click on the label you want to delete.
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Re: Removing all labels

Post by Hert »

In addition to Sigi's answer.
1. Select multiple thumbs (Ctrl+A or Cmd+A to select all)
2. Open the Label Assignment Panel (Ctrl+L or Cmd+L or click Labels below the thumbs)
3. Click on an assigned catalog label to unassign it
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Re: Removing all labels

Post by PatrickJ »

I should have been more clear - the above mentioned solution was already something I was aware of, but I was hoping there would be a less labour intensive way. Since this approach requires 2 clicks per label (as it goes from orange -> green -> unselected when you have multiple images selected), I pretty much have 1000+ clicks to look forward to before this is sorted. And then there is the next batch of images where the same will apply - a lot of work.

Hert - could this perhaps be a feature request, and if so do you need to to log it somewhere? Being able to quickly remove all labels (single click) from images I'm sure would be something more people than me would appreciate (feels like basic function in a DAM as well). Let me know!
Last edited by PatrickJ on 19 Apr 23 6:14, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Removing all labels

Post by PatrickJ »

Forgot - thanks for the replies from both of you, appreciate the help!
Posts: 26
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Re: Removing all labels

Post by PatrickJ »

Hert - another idea. Is there perhaps a way to import images without having the keywords converted into labels? If so that would be a good workaround, and then create a simple profile that nullifies the embedded keywords. But not sure if this is possible.
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Re: Removing all labels

Post by Hert »

1. Select all thumbs
2. Open the Label Assignment Panel
3. Click the magnifying glass drop down
4. Select "Revoke all assigned Labels"
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Re: Removing all labels

Post by PatrickJ »

Amazing, works like a charm! :D I had feeling this couldn't be a missing feature, exactly what I was looking for. Thanks a lot, wishing you a great day!
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