Import failure

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Posts: 67
Joined: 06 Jan 16 5:35

Import failure

Post by acertain »

I just ran an import of a few hundred images, and two of them failed to import with the following error:
Copy failed for E:\DCIM\100EOS7D\0S5A7935.JPG with error Failed on copy Cannot create folder P:\Photo Supreme\2021\2021-05\2021-05-21\
Cannot create folder P:\Photo Supreme\2021\2021-05\2021-05-21\ (0)
Copy failed for E:\DCIM\100EOS7D\0S5A8550.JPG with error Failed on copy Cannot create folder P:\Photo Supreme\2021\2021-10\2021-10-17\
Cannot create folder P:\Photo Supreme\2021\2021-10\2021-10-17\ (0)
The folders did get created and other images were successfully imported. In the 2021-05-21 case, the file that failed is the lexicographically second file. In the other, it's the first.

I'm running build (64bit) on Windows 10 and Postgres 10.

Posts: 394
Joined: 01 Jan 07 2:13

Re: Import failure

Post by snowman1 »

I used to get this problem occasionally (running on W7). I think it was a timing issue, that the file system just couldn't create the folder in time for PSU to put the first few images into it (perhaps surprising if these processes are asynchronous but there you go). When it happened I'd just run the import again to mop up these stragglers. It hasn't happened in a while.
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