Question regarding “Map to the Correct Physical Folder”

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Question regarding “Map to the Correct Physical Folder”

Post by notwwa »

Description: I just changed computers and moved my Photo Supreme databases (3) into the new machine. However, in changing machines, I relocated the main Pictures folder to a new, internal D:\; whereas, in the older computer, the Pictures folder was under the C:\. Also, I am not using the previous name for the User Acct., but rather a new account in the new PC. When I restored one of the databases to PS in the new machine and mapped the photos to the correct drive, it still inserts the old path in the hierarchy underneath the new top level folder location, as follows:
  • D:\
    • Pictures
      • Users
        • old user name
          • Pictures
          • Videos
All folder icons from Users on down are in red, I presume, because this is the old path, not the new one. The new one is simply D:\Pictures. Nevertheless, PS finds all the pictures and displays them correctly (or at least in this particular database) for the random categories and files I’ve tried.

Question: How can I change this so that PS reflects the actual path? Or does it matter, since it is displaying everything correctly, complete with labels, categories, etc.?

Any advice or recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks!
Far West Texas
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Re: Question regarding “Map to the Correct Physical Folder”

Post by Hert »

1. right click on the D:\Pictures\Users\old user name\Pictures folder
2. select Map to the Correct Physical Folder
3. Point to D:\Pictures
4. Make the change
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Re: Question regarding “Map to the Correct Physical Folder”

Post by Stephen »

Yes, I did that several times and it works perfectly. Some Apps like Capture One are a mess if you have work in progress (maybe over a long timeframe) and meanwhile change your drive. You are forced to remap each image individually, you cannot even batch select per folder. I realise that Capture One is a different type of application, but PSu shows what can be done (and done easily) if programming correctly and not trying to cut corners :-)
Never say never change, but using Mac since 2005. Photo Supreme I endorse the interoperability of files between applications and systems.
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Location: Far West Texas

Re: Question regarding “Map to the Correct Physical Folder”

Post by notwwa »

Thanks for the responses. When re-mapping to the new folder location, I did use the recommended procedure, but it resulted in the path I outlined above, i.e., the new, correct path followed by the old path appended to the new. I just tried the same procedure to re-map again, but it hung this time.
Far West Texas
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