Question update:
Regarding my question about <img>, having investigated further, I have discovered the following:
The <img> 'path' attribute uses path data taken from an svg (scalable vector graphic) file. An svg file is a text file written using XML.
A website explaining the svg 'path' syntax may be found here: ... ted-guide/.
Simple 'paths' may be created numerically but for more complex shapes an svg editor (such as Inkscape) may be used, or path data may be copied or svg icons downloaded from websites such as:
As for <img> attributes, I am familiar with 'path', 'pathcolor', 'pathstrokestyle', 'pathstrokethickness', 'pathstrokecolor'.
I am unaware of any other attributes.
Just to finish, here is a Custom Thumbnail Info one-liner giving some examples of simple and complex <img> shapes:
Code: Select all
// path coordinates as follows:
// top left (0, 0)
// top right (1, 0)
// bottom right (1, 1)
// bottom left (0, 1)
AShapeRectanglex1 := 'M 0,0 L 0,1 L 1,1 L 1,0 L 0,0 Z'; // aka square
AShapeRectanglex2 := 'M 0,0 L 0,1 L 2,1 L 2,0 L 0,0 Z';
AShapeRectanglex3 := 'M 0,0 L 0,1 L 3,1 L 3,0 L 0,0 Z';
// svg icons courtesy of (IcoMoon - Free)
AShapeHeart := 'M377.594 32c-53.815 0-100.129 43.777-121.582 89.5-21.469-45.722-67.789-89.5-121.608-89.5-74.191 0-134.404 60.22-134.404 134.416 0 150.923 152.25 190.497 256.011 339.709 98.077-148.288 255.989-193.603 255.989-339.709 0-74.196-60.215-134.416-134.406-134.416z';
AShapeLocation := 'M256 0c-88.366 0-160 71.634-160 160 0 160 160 352 160 352s160-192 160-352c0-88.366-71.635-160-160-160zM256 256c-53.020 0-96-42.98-96-96s42.98-96 96-96 96 42.98 96 96-42.98 96-96 96z';
result := '';
// simple shapes
result := result + '<img size="20" path="' + AShapeRectanglex1 + '" pathcolor="#4080C0" pathstrokestyle="solid" pathstrokethickness="1" pathstrokecolor="#FF0000">';
result := result + '<img size="40" path="' + AShapeRectanglex2 + '" pathcolor="#4080C0" pathstrokestyle="solid" pathstrokethickness="1" pathstrokecolor="#FF0000">';
result := result + '<img size="60" path="' + AShapeRectanglex3 + '" pathcolor="#4080C0" pathstrokestyle="solid" pathstrokethickness="1" pathstrokecolor="#FF0000">';
// complex shapes
result := result + '<img size="20" path="' + AShapeHeart + '" pathcolor="#4080C0">';
result := result + '<img size="20" path="' + AShapeLocation + '" pathcolor="#4080C0">';