Recommended process for importing from Aperture?

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Recommended process for importing from Aperture?

Post by sgbotsford »

Anyone have a guide to making the transition from Aperture to PSu?

Is there more documentation besides the quick start files under the help menu?

Where do you set preferences on the Mac version?

A: I'd like to bring across my folder project structure from the library.
B: I have tens of thousands of keywords. While Aperture has a hierarchical keyword directory, the parents don't get write into the files if I choose that option, but only the leaf term. Is there a way to get PSu to import the keyword directory?
C: What is the equivalent in PSu of smart albums -- that is virtual collections of images that matched a given search that updates automatically when an image matching the conditions is found.
D: I've made some mistakes. Where is PSu's catalog stored, I want to chuck it and start over.

In Aperture you have folders, projects, and albums.

A folder can contain folders, projects and albums. A folder cannot contain an image.

A project can contain images or folders or albums

An image can be in one and only one project.

An album is in effect a collection of links to images. It can be static -- depending only on your addition. Or it can be smart -- the results of a search.

So far in my readings, in PSu there is no equivalent of projects.

A folder can contain images or folders.

Albums are mentioned as a menu item under Versions
And there are portfolios. I think this is the equivalent of a static album. So far I've found no equivalent of a smart album.

So far they don't seem to be mentioned in the quick start docs.
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Re: Recommended process for importing from Aperture?

Post by Hert »

Though I recommend differently, you could at least try the Import from Aperture one. Find it in the Data menu of the Hamburger menu. No need to wait for the sync to finish. Then change to referenced, start PSU and open Folders. There right click on the photo folder and select "Map to the correct physical folder on disk"which is now the referenced photo folder.

My recommendation would be to change Aperture to Referenced instead of Managed. Then import the referenced folder in PSU with PSU's standard import feature.

I'm not a experienced Aperture user (though I do have it here). How you describe it:
The Aperture Folder-Projects-Albums would map to PSU as Portfolio-Collection-Subcollection

Images in PSU can be in different portfolios. Portfolios can not directly hold images; those should go in a Collection within the Portfolio.
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Re: Recommended process for importing from Aperture?

Post by Stephen »

When I converted from Aperture a few years ago, I first used an app called Aperture Exporter.

At the time PSu either didn't do what I want or I couldn't work out how to use the feature.

My task is documented somewhere in this forum, but I'm about to travel so I cannot tell you where it is. Good luck.
Never say never change, but using Mac since 2005. Photo Supreme I endorse the interoperability of files between applications and systems.
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Re: Recommended process for importing from Aperture?

Post by sgbotsford »

Bad idea. Don't import from Aperture, as for every master image there are 3 other images -- A preview and two sizes of thumbnails.

Getting all your metadata out of aperture is a problem. I think I need to:

A: Convert all my keywords from heirarchy to flat by concatenating upper levels to lower levels. E.g.
White Spruce
Black Hills spruce
needs to be:
Trees > Conifers > Spruce > White Spruce
Trees > Conifers > Spruce > Black Hills spruce
B: Write keywords to masters.
C: Export XMP sidecars
D: Convert to Referenced files.

THEN I may be able to do an import.
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Re: Recommended process for importing from Aperture?

Post by Stephen »

Test the free trial for "Aperture Exporter". I believe the full version cost only 15US$, which is a cheap divorce bill to leave an Apple product! AND search this forum for my thread. I'm sure that I explained it in detail, including the things not to do.
Never say never change, but using Mac since 2005. Photo Supreme I endorse the interoperability of files between applications and systems.
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