Versioning or not

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Posts: 11
Joined: 13 May 13 15:11

Versioning or not

Post by dino »

If i understood correctly versioning means to collect images together derived from one original image e.g. RAW > JPEG. In a version set the images have the same content and same labels.

Images having different labels but logical belonging together cannot collected in a version set. This causes me headache and I need help of you PSU experts.
For example I have an image of a family reunion showing 6 persons with one event label and six person labels. The b/w version, a print version and a slightly edited version (e.g. red eye remove) have same labels. A cropped image of this scene with five persons only is not a version.

How can I make a reference between this derived image and its origin image and between this derived image and other derivatives of the same origin?

At the moment I name the derived image file like the origin file name but add a letter (pic1a.jpg is a pseudo version of pic1.jpg)
Sorry, sometimes I do not see the wood for the trees
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Re: Versioning or not

Post by Mke »

You're right, labels are currently applied to all versions within a version set. FWIW, I did suggest (in this thread - viewtopic.php?f=57&t=23869) cascading labels according to placeholder to provide the kind of flexibility you're after...

At the moment I keep everything in a version set but, in addition to applying labels to the image as a whole, I also tag individual faces. That way at least it's fairly obvious that the 'ghost' label doesn't apply to any of the people in the edited image.
Posts: 11
Joined: 13 May 13 15:11

Re: Versioning or not

Post by dino »

cascading label discussion? oh boy, a lot of meat to eat for a newbie like me.

Thank you for your area trick
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