Backing up and compacting database with photosupreme server question

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Joined: 02 Jun 17 6:15

Backing up and compacting database with photosupreme server question

Post by angelanthony »

im using photosupreme server version im looking to find out if its possible to have 2 users connected to photosupreme server and use one of the accounts to compact and back the database while the other user is working with the catalog manipulating photos and adding keywords. how will affect the backing up is it ok to do this . or any suggestions on best practices when using the server version and doing maintenance to it while be able to use it.
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Joined: 13 Sep 03 6:24

Re: Backing up and compacting database with photosupreme server question

Post by Hert »

When using PSU's backup and compact then users will be affected by that as the database will need to be locked. Compacting on the PostgreSQL or SQLServer version is not that relevant. You could do without. For backups, use the PostgreSQL or SQLServer backup facilities for real-time backups.
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