Afaik, the only tool that is designed to optimize the database size is the built-in tool: Compact database. Nowhere have I seen any piece of software or forum post suggesting otherwise.fbungarz wrote: I had hoped running the script help to perhaps optimize the size. Obviously not.
I have not bothered to understand what are the preconditions for running that particular script, but it's conceivable that it has the desired effect (whether by design or not) only if the current database has just been converted from IdImager. Afaik, you have already worked for a while on your converted database, so that might play some role in your experience. (In general: not every program is designed to be robust or optimal, regardless of input state + repeated iterations. As a very rough example: if you zip a text file, you will get a much smaller zip file and you will be happy. Now, try to run zip again on the compressed output and you may get a larger file, which also needs double decompression. First outcome: good; second: bad. That doesn't mean, however, that compressing files is a bad idea.)What was much worse: after running the script my database became extremely slow, rather unresponsive, not working well at all anymore. So, I decided to go back to my backup and everything is fine again. So, in my personal experience running that script after migration from IDI is definitely not a good idea...
I do agree that the script author (Hert, in this case) should clarify its purpose and limitations, if those are not obvious.