RAW-convertors (Nikon Capture NX2 replacement)

peter wijn
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RAW-convertors (Nikon Capture NX2 replacement)

Post by peter wijn »

Could somebody help me with this:
I am trying to find an alternative for Nikon Capture NX2, and I'ld love to keep on using ID-imager Photo Supreme as my database. It works, and I can keep on using my prior adjustments from Capture NX2 as long as my platform supports it.

The database is going to be loaded with ever increasing file sizes (36 MP), so the rawconvertor should also be a rather fast one.

I tried Capture One Pro, version 8 processed files - beautiful results - are in the databases of COP and it seems impossible to adress them from explorer or ID-imager.
Likewise for Lightroom.
Of course there are ways to solve this manually everytime you found a picture, but I thought that wouldn't be nescessary in this era.

Is Camera Raw the only way to go? Or is someone out there going to be putting this also in an inaccessable database :(...

Any positive thoughts... :)
Hopefully, I'm making a silly mistake somewhere and it is possible to adress COP or LR from an entry of PSU after all.

Peter Wijn, The Netherlands
Mike Buckley
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Re: RAW-convertors (Vervanging Nikon Capture NX2)

Post by Mike Buckley »

When you use an image-editing program that stores the edits in a database, you can export the file to a DNG, TIFF or JPEG. You can then use Supreme to version the RAW and the exported file or not. I believe that's the solution you are looking for.
Preston B
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Re: RAW-convertors (Nikon Capture NX2 replacement)

Post by Preston B »

I use Nikon View NX2 to transfer images from my camera to my machine. It does have an NEF converter that will convert NEF files to either JPEG, 16 bit TIFF or 8 bit TIFF. There are other options, as well. It's easy to use, and it works quickly. Best of all...it's a free download from Nikon.

Most of the time, I use ACR for the files from my D-7100.

Hope this helps, Peter.

Preston Birdwell
Columbia, CA

Photo Supreme on Puget Systems Obsidian: Win 10-64 bit Intel i5Quad Core 3.3Ghz 32GB RAM, and Puget Systems Traverse Laptop. Chamonix 4x5 and Nikon D-7100.

Please visit my web site at www.gildedmoon.com
peter wijn
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Re: RAW-convertors (Nikon Capture NX2 replacement)

Post by peter wijn »


It appears that Capture One Pro (COP) has two ways operating: using a Catalog, and using a Session.

When in Sessions it is possible to let PSU to adress COP to the folder in which the photo is being stored.
COP produces side car files in a subfolder which it can read later on. The filestructure of this subfolder is quite complex, so removing photos from that folder after working in COP probably leads to a lot of garbage left behind?
It seems a sad thing rawconvertors try to manage so much...

Indeed, it is the intention to use the raw with COP sidecar files as a main basic version and output a jpeg version for viewing in PSU.
Preferably only future pictures that can not be edited anymore in Capture NX2.

I'm considering options. View NX is nice to select the best pictures and for renaming, but I don't find it fit as a main raw convertor. There is no subtility.
At the moment I am testing Lightroom and COP. I also consider Camera Raw and Photoshop, which is probably the easiest way to combine with PSU,through DNG's?
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Re: RAW-convertors (Nikon Capture NX2 replacement)

Post by stevehughes »

Hi Peter,

FWIW, I went from CNX2 to Photo Ninja, and couldn't be happier with the results I am getting from my D7100 files. A solid step forward in IQ, IMO.

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Re: RAW-convertors (Nikon Capture NX2 replacement)

Post by freudenthaler »

peter wijn wrote:It seems a sad thing rawconvertors try to manage so much...
It's just a separation of concerns..
I've never understand up to now what benefits I get when importing all to PSu. Let the raw converter handle it's stuff (raw-files, side car files, sessions, catalogs, ..) and import only the processed pictures in PSu. This decoupling solves most problems.
Robert | R|E|F|RO | Fuji X & GFX | LR Classic CC | C1 | PSu since v1 | Win 11 on i9-9940X |
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Re: RAW-convertors (Nikon Capture NX2 replacement)

Post by Mke »

Also FWIW, my preference is DxO Optics Pro - I've recently upgraded to the new Version 10. Not cheap (for the Elite edition, at least) but great value...
peter wijn
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Re: RAW-convertors (Nikon Capture NX2 replacement)

Post by peter wijn »

freudenthaler wrote:
peter wijn wrote:It seems a sad thing rawconvertors try to manage so much...
It's just a separation of concerns..
I've never understand up to now what benefits I get when importing all to PSu. Let the raw converter handle it's stuff (raw-files, side car files, sessions, catalogs, ..) and import only the processed pictures in PSu. This decoupling solves most problems.
to be more clear: I have no intention to load sidecarfiles of COP or any rawconvertor in PSU.
However, if you delete some of your photos, you probrably have to do this both in COP and in PSU in order to avoid a lot of garbage left behind.

I guess the proces should be deleting a picture in COP, first, and then in PSU. thanks for making me think about that.
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Re: RAW-convertors (Nikon Capture NX2 replacement)

Post by HCS »

peter wijn wrote:It appears that Capture One Pro (COP) has two ways operating: using a Catalog, and using a Session.
You should always use sesions, even Phase One's own DAM, Media Pro, requires this way of working.
peter wijn wrote:When in Sessions it is possible to let PSU to adress COP to the folder in which the photo is being stored.
COP produces side car files in a subfolder which it can read later on. The filestructure of this subfolder is quite complex, so removing photos from that folder after working in COP probably leads to a lot of garbage left behind?
It seems a sad thing rawconvertors try to manage so much...
PSU will handle the other files for CO as well (as it does for DXO and LR), so, no need to worry.
peter wijn wrote:Indeed, it is the intention to use the raw with COP sidecar files as a main basic version and output a jpeg version for viewing in PSU.
Preferably only future pictures that can not be edited anymore in Capture NX2.
Why would you do that? PSU will show the edit you made in CO in the preview, no need to create yet another file.
peter wijn wrote:I'm considering options. View NX is nice to select the best pictures and for renaming, but I don't find it fit as a main raw convertor. There is no subtility.
At the moment I am testing Lightroom and COP. I also consider Camera Raw and Photoshop, which is probably the easiest way to combine with PSU,through DNG's?
You could have a multi converter way of working. I use CO8 as my main converter and PhotoNinja and LightZone as my special purpose converters. For those, btw, you do need the additional file (jpf for PN, lzn for LZN).
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Re: RAW-convertors (Nikon Capture NX2 replacement)

Post by freudenthaler »

peter wijn wrote: However, if you delete some of your photos, you probrably have to do this both in COP and in PSU in order to avoid a lot of garbage left behind.
Peter, that's not a big problem at all:
  • import all the pictures from camera into your prefered raw converter
  • sort out the bad / unwanted ones (pick / reject); decide to keep or delete the rejected pictures
  • process the good ones (in a sub directory)
  • import the processed pictures in PSu, add catalog labels, colors, add them to portfolios & collections, ..., in short: do all the DAM stuff
This simplified process keeps your HDD / SSD tidy, avoids garbage, respects the "separation of concerns"-pattern, doesn't mix raw converter stuff with DAM stuff and therefore keeps all the "stakeholders" healthy & vital :D
Robert | R|E|F|RO | Fuji X & GFX | LR Classic CC | C1 | PSu since v1 | Win 11 on i9-9940X |
peter wijn
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Re: RAW-convertors (Nikon Capture NX2 replacement)

Post by peter wijn »

First select,
then apply tonal corrections in the rawconvertor,
then import in PSU....
It's very logical, and it' even is my normal workflow. Since I'm testing in existing 'stock', I didn't think about that :roll: :oops:
HCS wrote:...
peter wijn wrote:Indeed, it is the intention to use the raw with COP sidecar files as a main basic version and output a jpeg version for viewing in PSU.
Preferably only future pictures that can not be edited anymore in Capture NX2.
Why would you do that? PSU will show the edit you made in CO in the preview, no need to create yet another file.
Since one of my main amateuristic aims of PSU is to look at and peep in my own beautiful pictures :). 1620 is less than my camera's and screen allow for.
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Re: RAW-convertors (Nikon Capture NX2 replacement)

Post by HCS »

No worries, that's what i do too :-)

But, if i'm not mistaken, PSU can be set to larger previews. And then the approximated CO8 recipe (or DXO or LR) will shine at you in all ... ehh ... "shinyness".
Mike Buckley
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Re: RAW-convertors (Nikon Capture NX2 replacement)

Post by Mike Buckley »

HCS wrote:But, if i'm not mistaken, PSU can be set to larger previews.
1680 pixels is the largest setting.
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Re: RAW-convertors (Nikon Capture NX2 replacement)

Post by Hert »

I don't see any relation between Previews and this topic.

Previews are used when in Travel mode or to paint thumbnails that are larger than 158% zoomed. Or when opening an image while waiting for the full size image to be loaded or anywhere else where a loaded size is needed that is smaller or equal to the size of the preview (e.g. when uploading an image to a photo sharing site at a size smaller than the configured preview size then the preview). The preview size isn't important at all (since V2...they were very important in V1).
I myself use 1440px previews. And even that is larger than needed, still convenient enough if I ever need them with me while traveling.
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Mike Buckley
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Re: RAW-convertors (Nikon Capture NX2 replacement)

Post by Mike Buckley »

IDimager wrote:I don't see any relation between Previews and this topic.
I agree.
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