Tips for working with Photo Supreme

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Tips for working with Photo Supreme

Post by Hert »

This topic is where you can post tips that you'd like to share with other Photo Supreme users.

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Re: Tips when working with Photo Supreme

Post by Hert »

Let me do the kick-off...

Did you know that you can filter on catalog labels in the Filter Bar. When selecting a catalog label then it will be included in the filter but when you Ctrl/Cmd click on a catalog label then it will be Excluded, meaning you'll see all but that catalog label.
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Re: Tips for working with Photo Supreme

Post by Hert »

Did you know that you can use your Favorites in the Filter bar?

1. Create any Favorite,
1.1 either directly from an item in the Catalog Explorer,
1.2 or from Dynamic Searches,
1.3 or simply by clicking the Favorize button for any set displayed on screen.

2. Open the Filter Bar
3. Click the Filter Button at the left
4. Notice that your Favorites can be selected as a filter

This allows you to create filters that are outside of the default filter capabilities.
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Re: Tips for working with Photo Supreme

Post by compdev »

Tip 1: How to update catalog's reference of resource paths when moving images on file-sytem:
a. outside of PSU, physically move or copy the current folder to the new location (e.g. from local disk to external harddisk, one local drive to another, or one area of file system to another)
b. in PSU, choose "By Folder" for Catalog view
c. right-click on the folder you just moved and select "Relocate Folder..."
d. in the navigation dialog which opens, select the new location of the folder
e. verify by right-clicking on a thumbnail available in this new location and select "Locate in Windows Explorer"
f. if the option is available (it is greyed out when the media is disconnected) then the image should open and you know the catalog has updated the resource location
Note: Any time you store media on external media, note down its unique id # (see next step for where that is found) and keep a record of it (such as in an external media spreadsheet).
Note: Sometimes the "By Folder" view does not refresh until you go out of it and come back into it.

Tip 2: How to uniquely identify the media which (externally) stored resources are on:
a. in PSU, find the image you want to locate the original resource for
b. click "info" icon at bottom of screen and note the drive letter and entire path shown in the "Location" field (this was the original drive letter when the media was imported into the catalog; this can change since drive letters are arbitrary for external media in Windows OS)
c. choose "By Folder" for Catalog view; you should see all originals paths of resources imported into the catalog
b. choose the path which matches the path from step b.; note the volume name and unique id for reference
c. if the media is disconnected and when reconnecting it is assigned a different drive letter, you will not be able to open the original image; in this case see step 2) from above to relocate the folder to the new drive letter
Note: Drive letters and volume names can change for any media type, but the unique serial id should remain the same. Even if the drive letter of media containing resources changes, the path will still be the same. You can use Tip 1 to update the catalog reference path if reconnected media maps to a different drive (as of, PSU will not recognize media as the same in this case).
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Re: Tips for working with Photo Supreme

Post by mphillips »

Assigning Catalogue labels during Import - To Selected Images

When Importing you can Assign Catalog Labels to sets of the Marked Images that you are importing.

Just SELECT (not Mark - Not the Green Tag) the images that you want the label assigned to - open the LAP - and assign the labels.

Great for downloading several events at the same time - select each event and assign the Event Label to those images.

A Great time saver



PS - In V5 you could only assign labels to ALL the images being downloaded
Mike Phillips
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Selecting a Version for Display

Post by KeesdH »

PS by default shows the main version of your version set.

If you want to view a different version easily you could do the following:

Do one time:
Go to Catalog; Version Placeholder
Select the version you want to display
Make this version a Favorite (and if you like make other versions favorite as well).

How to use:
Next time you want to see eg a category drag the category into the dynamic search.
Add the version placeholder to the dynamic search as well.
And press the run button.

When you have RAW as main version and JPEG as an other version:
Even easier is the following:
When you select a category and PS show the main version, the RAW's. Just filter en select "Types" JPEG. Now it shows the other version with the jpeg's.

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Re: Tips for working with Photo Supreme

Post by Hert »

DId you know that you can press the spacebar on a thumbnail to see a larger preview?

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Re: Tips for working with Photo Supreme

Post by Hert »

Did you know that you can extend the Info Panel with your own fields? Just click "new input field" at the bottom of the Info Panel. Then name your field and your done.

As you enter data for the new input field, this is instantly searchable with the search bar. The CATALOG->By Image Details also show your input fields. And, of course, your input fields are also stored in the XMP section of your images once you write the metadata to file.

A tip to use this is, for instance, to add a text field with additional info or info which is too specific to create a new catalog label for but still want to be able to search for

It's never been easier to extend metadata with your own data
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Weidmic's Photo Supreme tips, tricks and scripts...

Post by weidmic »

I have collected some tips, tricks and scripts and added those to a website dedicated to Photo Supreme.

You think something should be added?
Then please contact me via email.

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Re: Tips for working with Photo Supreme

Post by weidmic »

Did you know that you can select all thumbnails by a simple "double click" outside the thumbnail area? (Instead of using Ctrl+A)
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Re: Tips for working with Photo Supreme

Post by Preston B »

You can display the pixel dimensions of an image by doing the following...

Click the View button
Under View Settings, be sure Show Custom Thumb Info is checked
You can the add the following to an existing Custom Thumb Info line, or create a new line.

%ImageDimension px

The "px" is simple text I added to show that the dimensions are in pixels.

Note that you can add other custom thumb info by clicking the down arrow on any line. This brings up an extensive list of items you can add.

Preston Birdwell
Columbia, CA

Photo Supreme on Puget Systems Obsidian: Win 10-64 bit Intel i5Quad Core 3.3Ghz 32GB RAM, and Puget Systems Traverse Laptop. Chamonix 4x5 and Nikon D-7100.

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Re: Tips for working with Photo Supreme

Post by David Grundy »

Example of Custom Thumbs info script: Coloured version indicator and a row of stars

(Note 2014-02-03 for PSu v2, there is no need for the vertical offset specified in this and some other scripts. Remove unwanted occurences of <ind y="2"> and </ind> from the code to fix the vertical position of the graphic elements.)

My way (I should say, this week's way, since I keep tweaking it) looks like this :
ThumbScript v5b Example.jpg
ThumbScript v5b Example.jpg (71.79 KiB) Viewed 263130 times
In this example, there is one Solo image and three Managed Versions of another image.
  • The grey triangle indicates the Solo image.
  • The purple triangle indicates a Main Version.
  • The green indicates any other Managed Version.
  • The stars show the rating.
All this info is already available in the thumbnail tile, but I find it hard to notice the Version Tab and hard to read the number in the yellow star.

Here's the script (with many thanks to Hert for the original on which it is based):

Code: Select all

  ACatItem: TCatalogItem;
  AVersionColor: String;
  AVersionShape: String;
  ARatingColor: String;
  ARatingStar: String;
  ARatingOnStar: String;
  ARatingOffStar: String;
  i: Integer;
  result := '';

  ARatingColor := '#CFFFFF00'; //#### Yellow colour for rating stars
  ARatingStar := 'M 3.03,4.19883 L 2.996,4.22354 L 3.00909,4.26369 L 2.97501,4.2389 L 2.94086,4.26369 L 2.95394,4.22354 L 2.92,4.19883 L 2.96193,4.19883 L 2.97501,4.1589 L 2.98801,4.19883 L 3.03,4.19883 Z ';
  ARatingOnStar := '<img size="22" path="' + ARatingStar + '" pathfillcolor="' + ARatingColor + '" pathstrokestyle="solid" pathstrokecolor="' + ARatingColor + '">';
  ARatingOffStar := '<img size="22" path="' + ARatingStar + '" pathfillstyle="none" pathstrokestyle="solid" pathstrokecolor="' + ARatingColor + '">';

  AVersionShape := 'M 1,1 L 2,2 L 1,2 L 1,1 Z'; //#### Triangle shape for the version indicator

  ACatItem := TCatalogItem.Create(nil);
  if Catalog.FindImageCombined (ImageItem, ACatItem, False, vptNone) then
    AVersionColor := '#3FFFFFFF'; //#### Dark gray colour for Solo (unVersioned) files
    if ACatItem.IsVersion then
      AVersionColor := '#FF40FF40'; //#### Bright green colour for non-Main Versions
    if (ACatItem._MainVersionGUID = ACatItem.GUID) and (ACatItem.VersionCount > 0) then
      AVersionColor := '#CCFF00FF'; //#### Purple colour for Main Versions

    result := result + '<font color="'+ AVersionColor +'"><ind y="2">';
    result := result + '<img size="22" path="' + AVersionShape + '" pathfillcolor="' + AVersionColor + '">';
    result := result + '      '; //####This line adds extra space after the version symbol
    result := result + '</ind></font>';

    result := result + '<font color="'+ ARatingColor +'"><ind y="2">';
    for i := 1 to ACatItem.Rating do
      result := result + ARatingOnStar;
    for i := ACatItem.Rating + 1 to 5 do
      result := result + ARatingOffStar;
    result := result + '</ind></font>';
Here's how to use the script:
  • In the Collection viewer, at the top-right corner of the view, there's an icon labelled "View". Click on this, and an option dialog opens underneath it.
    The second title bar in the dialog is labelled "Custom Thumb Info". Underneath this there is a box where you can put in the script.
    ViewDialog.jpg (26.15 KiB) Viewed 263130 times
  • So, just copy the whole script in one step, and paste the whole thing into the box. You don't need to be able to read what's in the box. (If there's something already there you can remove it first, for example by clicking in the box, press ctrl-a to select all text in the box, and press Delete).
  • Once you put a script into one line, the thumbs will immediately update with the information (assuming it works). And an additional box for another script will appear below the one you just filled up, in case you want to add another line of info as well.
You can adjust the colours if you like. They are (I think) in ARGB format (eg '#FF40FF40'". The relevant points in the code are commented (look for "//####" in the code).

There are more versions of the script in this thread.

... David
Last edited by David Grundy on 03 Feb 14 14:05, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tips for working with Photo Supreme

Post by HaraldE »

Using a second screen or TV to show pictures

The recently added "Floating Viewer" and "Viewer on Second Monitor" is very usefull.

I use it a lot to show people things on a TV while managing what photo they see.
On my PC screen I have a collection of all the thumbs I intend to show and whichever I click on is then shown on the TV. This makes it very easy and flexible, I can go through the pictures any way I want. And sometimes, depending on comments or questions from people, I jump over to a specific photo, rather than wade through them one by one.

And also I can easily jump over to a another collection if so is required.

And if I need to magnify a photo or crop one it can quickly be done and verrified by the audience at the same time.

Regards, Harald
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Re: Tips for working with Photo Supreme

Post by Hert »

Did you know that you can click the Drop Down icon in the Label Assignment Panel that allows you to pick a label from a drop down? That is convenient, especially when you don't know the exact name of the label that you're looking for...

LAP_DropDown.png (161.04 KiB) Viewed 20687 times
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Re: Photo Supreme tips, tricks and scripts...

Post by Hert »

Check the filtering manual that explains the filtering techniques in Photo Supreme:
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