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by thenetstriker
23 Feb 23 11:58
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Photo Supreme 2023
Replies: 21
Views: 11371

Re: Photo Supreme 2023

Update was also successful. How does the "Cross Platform Folder Management" works? I've installed the application on Windows and on Mac, but the folders on the Mac are not mapped and I also found no new Dialog to specify where the files are.

That is a Photo Supreme Server Edition feature. Are ...
by thenetstriker
23 Feb 23 11:28
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Photo Supreme 2023
Replies: 21
Views: 11371

Re: Photo Supreme 2023

Update was also successful. How does the "Cross Platform Folder Management" works? I've installed the application on Windows and on Mac, but the folders on the Mac are not mapped and I also found no new Dialog to specify where the files are.
by thenetstriker
07 Apr 20 17:34
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Web service for IDBrowser Android app released
Replies: 6
Views: 5547

Re: Web service for IDBrowser Android app released

I also just released a Docker container for easy installation of the web service under Linux. The instructions can be found on the GitHub page: ... erviceCore
by thenetstriker
16 Dec 19 0:13
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Web service for IDBrowser Android app released
Replies: 6
Views: 5547

Web service for IDBrowser Android app released

I just released the source code of the web service behind my IDBrowser Android app ( ) on Github for anyone that is interested. The app is free and allows to view the photos of any IDImager or PhotoSupreme dabase by categories and ...
by thenetstriker
18 Nov 19 17:02
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Migrate MS SQLServer to PostgreSQL
Replies: 10
Views: 5381

Re: Migrate MS SQLServer to PostgreSQL

As mentioned before, it takes a fraction of a second here to get the results of v_prop.

Did you reboot the server?
Did you try a vacuum?
Did you try a reindex?

Yes I've tried all that, but that also didn't help. But did you see the "Edit" part I've added to my last comment? I found out that ...
by thenetstriker
18 Nov 19 9:52
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Migrate MS SQLServer to PostgreSQL
Replies: 10
Views: 5381

Re: Migrate MS SQLServer to PostgreSQL

I'm using the view for my Android application to get a list of the image properties including the image count. I found the Postgres manual and I changed the memory settings accordingly. The view did get a little bit faster (from 16 to 12 seconds with 866 rows) but it is still not as fast as on the ...
by thenetstriker
16 Nov 19 12:39
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Best practice - mixed macOS and Windows
Replies: 4
Views: 3475

Re: Best practice - mixed macOS and Windows

Hi Hert, I'm having the same problem. I also use Photosupreme on Mac and Windows. The only workarround I found is to create a complete copy of the database and change the paths there. This way I have at least a readonly version of the database on my mac.

Is there a reason why you don't want to ...
by thenetstriker
15 Nov 19 16:32
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Migrate MS SQLServer to PostgreSQL
Replies: 10
Views: 5381

Re: Migrate MS SQLServer to PostgreSQL

I have another question about the Postgres Database. I found out that a simple select query to the v_prop view take 16 times longer than on the ms sql server. (16 seconds instead of 1) Is this a known problem or can this be improved with additional indices or settings in the postgres server?
by thenetstriker
15 Nov 19 13:51
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Migrate MS SQLServer to PostgreSQL
Replies: 10
Views: 5381

Re: Migrate MS SQLServer to PostgreSQL

Thanks for the quick reply. I'm migrating simply because Postgres is free and runs on a free Linux server.

I also have another problem after the migration. All the pictures are not found for some reason. I tried to relocate one of the pictures and that solved the problem but I cannot see any ...
by thenetstriker
15 Nov 19 11:05
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Migrate MS SQLServer to PostgreSQL
Replies: 10
Views: 5381

Re: Migrate MSSQL to Postgres

Thanks Hert, it works for the main database. Can I also migrate the tumbs database with this tool or do I have to recreate all thumbnails? (I got an error that the idUser table was not found when I tried to migrate using the tool)
by thenetstriker
14 Nov 19 22:02
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Migrate MS SQLServer to PostgreSQL
Replies: 10
Views: 5381

Migrate MS SQLServer to PostgreSQL

What is the best way to migrate a MSSQL Photosupreme database to Postgres?
by thenetstriker
04 Jun 18 15:40
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: lft and rgt colum null
Replies: 6
Views: 4135

Re: lft and rgt colum null

Hert wrote: 31 May 18 20:24 You can install the Single version. Start it and you’ll have the database in your app data folder, Catalog.
Thanks for the hint. I didn't know that the database is generated before the trial exired error message shows. I will update my app soon.
by thenetstriker
31 May 18 13:16
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Can not load DB-Lib client library "dblib.dll"
Replies: 11
Views: 13450

Re: Can not load DB-Lib client library "dblib.dll"

User rights?

One thing is sure: something is preventing/blocking PSU from accessing and attaching the required DLLs.

I now found out what is causing this problem. I've monitored what the application tries to load on startup with the Process Monitor from Sysinternals. I found out that the dblib ...
by thenetstriker
31 May 18 11:04
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: lft and rgt colum null
Replies: 6
Views: 4135

Re: lft and rgt colum null

You can get that by opening the Photo Supreme database in a SQLite tool(e.g. SQL Expert)

SELECT Count(1)
SELECT DISTINCT d.catalogitemguid
FROM idcatalogitemdefinition d,
( WITH recursive lowerparent(guid, parentguid) AS
SELECT px.guid ...
by thenetstriker
29 May 18 19:45
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: lft and rgt colum null
Replies: 6
Views: 4135

Re: lft and rgt colum null

These columns are not used anymore (for years already).

Thanks for the info. I'am currently using those columns in my Android app to calculate the photo count for each property. For this I export my SQL Database to SQLITE and load the database on the Android app. But sadly the v_prop view ...