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by jcldl
08 Aug 14 10:03
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: FRENCH: bonjour
Replies: 12
Views: 8134

Re: FRENCH: bonjour

Je suis sous windows 8, voilà ce que j'obtiens avec "supprimer": cf pièce jointe.
by jcldl
08 Aug 14 6:29
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: FRENCH: bonjour
Replies: 12
Views: 8134

Re: FRENCH: bonjour

Clic droit sur l'aperçu de la photo, choisir "supprimer" puis second choix: soit supprimer de la base de données et laisser sur le disque ou supprimer de base de donnée et disque, ce qui supprime totalement la photo.
by jcldl
07 Aug 14 6:31
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: FRENCH: bonjour
Replies: 12
Views: 8134

Re: FRENCH: bonjour

Concernant les autres questions je n'utilise que" nettoyer vignettes et aperçus". Cela permet d'effacer les aperçus des photos qui correspondent aux photos du fichier et qu'ouvre photosupreme sur la partie centrale. Si vous effacez une photo du fichier l'aperçu persiste, cette commande permet de ...
by jcldl
06 Aug 14 21:29
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: FRENCH: bonjour
Replies: 12
Views: 8134

Re: FRENCH: bonjour

pour votre derniere question:
Vous recopiez les photos vers le nouveau disque. Puis:
Dans la colonne de gauche ouvrir "Dossiers", vous voyez alors apparaitre les différents dossiers contenant les photos à l'emplacement ou elles étaient avant changement. Si vous avez changé les photos de repertoire ...
by jcldl
03 Aug 14 13:16
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: FRENCH: bonjour
Replies: 12
Views: 8134

Re: FRENCH: bonjour

J'utilise PSU après Idimager, je ne peux pas dire que je suis un utilisateur expérimenté, utilisant surtout les fonctions basiques, mais je peux essayer d'aider.
by jcldl
21 Feb 14 18:07
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Version detection in PSU V2
Replies: 3
Views: 3756

Re: Version detection in PSU V2

Did you try what you were writing? Did it work?
by jcldl
10 Jan 14 9:27
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Copy Details: GPS latitude and longitude
Replies: 2
Views: 2584

Copy Details: GPS latitude and longitude

Thanks for V2, it's easier and quicker. But I have a problem. I wish I could copy GPS latitude and Longitude from one picture to other pictures. But when I use profiles, "copy details to clipboard", I do not see "technical data" and so I do not see latitude and longitude. Is there something I missed ...
by jcldl
05 Dec 13 14:07
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Synchronisation
Replies: 4
Views: 3930

Re: Synchronisation

I sent one to id-imager support
by jcldl
05 Dec 13 13:30
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Synchronisation
Replies: 4
Views: 3930

Re: Synchronisation

after deleting xmp associated files synchronisation is possible. I do not know what was wrong with those files.
by jcldl
05 Dec 13 9:28
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Synchronisation
Replies: 4
Views: 3930


Since some days I have a problem with pictures which were Synchronised months ago, but which are now not synchronised. I tried synchronisation from menu: "synchronise all non synchronised pictures", it does not work, I tried with a right click on the orange dot on the picture, it does not work. Why ...
by jcldl
10 Jan 13 14:48
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Many files have "changed". Which action is best?
Replies: 37
Views: 27034

Re: Many files have "changed". Which action is best?

I read with attention all this discussion and I want to be sure I have understood. After "verify folder" if files have changed, I can:" Update file signature " if I think that the changes are real and already in the database. Nothing happens to the structure of database and nothing written to the ...
by jcldl
08 Jan 13 16:53
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: thumbs.db-journal
Replies: 2
Views: 3626

Re: thumbs.db-journal

Thank You, now I understand.
by jcldl
08 Jan 13 14:03
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: thumbs.db-journal
Replies: 2
Views: 3626


I am compacting my database. I have now a third file I never noticed before:" idimager.thumbsdb-journal" It's a very large file: more than 10 go, and backup after 2 hours is not yet finished. What is this file? The two others are cat.db and thumbs.db.
AND Now after more than two hours this file ...