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by crabuback
27 Oct 24 1:43
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: HEIC photos smaller than JPG in embedded viewer
Replies: 1
Views: 1876

Re: HEIC photos smaller than JPG in embedded viewer

When I take a .HEIC file and export it and then save it back as a .jpeg file, and then open it using the embedded viewer (with Zoom set To view Image Best, both the HEIC and JPG open up to the same size zoomed to 100%. Both pictures were the same size, 3024 x 4032.

Probably not the answer you ...
by crabuback
27 Oct 24 1:41
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: HEIC thumbnails not showing up
Replies: 3
Views: 565

Re: HEIC thumbnails not showing up

roddyt - Thanks. It looks like you solved both of my problems by deleting the .HEIC from the file extension list! I now get my thumbnails and clicking on them, they open in the embedded viewer.

When I take a .HEIC file and export it and then save it back as a .jpeg file, and then open it using the ...
by crabuback
25 Oct 24 18:28
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: HEIC thumbnails not showing up
Replies: 3
Views: 565

Re: HEIC thumbnails not showing up

I just realized that double-clicking on the thumbnail opens the image in Preview, not in Photo Supreme. Other file types are displaying proper thumbnails and open within Photo Supreme.
by crabuback
25 Oct 24 18:17
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Copy geographical Catalog structure
Replies: 11
Views: 8996

Re: Copy geographical Catalog structure

On macOS, right clicking the application icon and selection "Open" just goes to the copy of Photo Supreme that is already running. It doesn't open a second copy of the app for me.
by crabuback
24 Oct 24 23:52
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: HEIC thumbnails not showing up
Replies: 3
Views: 565

HEIC thumbnails not showing up

I imported several HEIC files from Apple Photos. Thumbnails for these files do not show up - I only get an icon showing that it is an HEIC file. I have tried rebuilding these thumbnails and restarting. I can double click on any of these thumbnils and get the photo image, but the thumbnail still does ...
by crabuback
30 Apr 24 15:09
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Copy geographical Catalog structure
Replies: 11
Views: 8996

Re: Copy geographical Catalog structure

I haven't been able to figure out how to open two copies of PSu. Once I have my db open, I don't see a way to open a new copy. I am only missing flags for several European countries. they used to be there, but have disappeared.
by crabuback
16 Apr 24 13:21
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Thumbnails suddenly not showing up
Replies: 5
Views: 2804

Re: Thumbnails suddenly not showing up

After a few days, everything is back to normal. Didn't do any that I can point to that resolved the issue.
by crabuback
12 Apr 24 15:56
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Thumbnails suddenly not showing up
Replies: 5
Views: 2804

Thumbnails suddenly not showing up

Just in the past two days the majority of my thumbnails don't show up. I can select all of the thumbs for a particular folder and Rebuild Thumbnails and they show. I can then go to another folder and do the same thing. Coming back to the first folder they are now blank. I performed a complete db and ...
by crabuback
03 Mar 24 4:09
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Stacks
Replies: 7
Views: 1807

Re: Stacks

roddyt - That's what I needed. I totally missed that box in the lower left corner during verify. Haven't seen any new stacks lately!
by crabuback
02 Mar 24 3:06
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Stacks
Replies: 7
Views: 1807

Re: Stacks

It must be with the Verify Folder result window, but I don't know where that is or how to change it. This only started to happen recently, but I hadn't changed anything that I am aware of. Please tell me what to do to eliminate this from happening.
by crabuback
29 Feb 24 4:28
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Stacks
Replies: 7
Views: 1807


How can I keep Photo Supreme from making stacks? I keep getting stacks showing up and I don't want them. I've changed the settings for Stacks in Settings, but it doesn't seem to matter.
by crabuback
28 Feb 24 14:29
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: activating face detection
Replies: 7
Views: 2146

activating face detection

In PS 2024 I pulled up an image to try face recognition, but I can't figure out how to activate it. The manual says to select it from the menu (is this the hamburger menu?) or to press the F key. I do not see it in the menu and pressing the F key does not do anything.
by crabuback
28 Feb 24 3:02
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Constant thumbnail building ver 2024
Replies: 8
Views: 2036

Re: Constant thumbnail building ver 2024

I also struggled with getting ver 2024 to complete the rebuild of thumbnails over the past week. Eventually I did run the Verify Quick and Compact database. Then in rebuilding thumbnails, the program would hang at various points even though Activity Monitor indicated it was processing. Leaving it ...
by crabuback
08 Aug 23 14:23
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Delete label from label favorites
Replies: 0
Views: 36512

Delete label from label favorites

Add to/Delete from Favorites does not always work from Favorites. I have a few labels that I cannot delete. They do not show up as starred items when I go to Categories and I can add/delete them as starred items, but they remain in the Catalog Favorites pane. I have successfully removed other labels ...
by crabuback
19 Sep 22 12:40
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Crash when viewing "Not Catalog Labeled"
Replies: 0
Views: 29268

Crash when viewing "Not Catalog Labeled"

Photo Supreme shows about 3000 images that are "Not Catalog Labeled". I can view view a screen or two of thumbnails, but when I get beyond that, the app crashes. If I change the thumbnail size to have more thumbnails show up, it crashes on the first screen. I don't know of a way to go further down ...