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by Lars
11 Nov 12 4:54
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Selecting a Version for Display
Replies: 9
Views: 8903

Re: Selecting a Version for Display

Alejandro Garza wrote: One feature that IDImager offers with differentiated advantage is the possibility of referencing versions while keeping them in different files systems (this cannot be done in apperture and Lightroom). Will PS eventually will have the functionality that V5 had?
AFAIK PS can do exactly the same.
by Lars
11 Nov 12 4:49
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Selecting a Version for Display
Replies: 9
Views: 8903

Re: Selecting a Version for Display

How do I make the switch -- my main version has been NEF files and the album display a jpeg version (this from V5). I keep my NEFs in an external disk, and the jpegs in my laptop. I really need PS to display the jpegs.

In ID5:

1) Turn on the Script Launcher Bar (Ctrl+F9)

2) In the Catalog ...
by Lars
04 Nov 12 5:53
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Thumbnail database size
Replies: 16
Views: 15886

Re: Thumbnail database size

After some thought I have decided to give PS a try (already a idimager user). As a test I have just imported a series of folders that contain jpg's, the total size of the folders is just over 4Gb. I'm rather surprised to see the thumbnail database size is practically the same at just over 4Gb, this ...
by Lars
29 Oct 12 3:04
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: OS Folder Operations in
Replies: 27
Views: 22052

Re: OS Folder Operations in

Mike Buckley wrote: "Map to correct physical folder."
by Lars
27 Oct 12 9:48
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: I actually like this program...
Replies: 13
Views: 14283

Re: I actually like this program...

InTheFlow wrote: I'd like to see all pictures in a category and its sub categories displayed below the 'folder'
Not a good idea in general if the total number is big, because it will slow down. You can click the white number in the bubble ("271") to see all images including sublabels.
by Lars
18 Oct 12 0:35
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Is the Label Assignment Panel alone sufficient?
Replies: 21
Views: 18962

Re: Is the Label Assignment Panel alone sufficient?

I have used IDI for quite a few years, but didn't upgrade beyond v4 personal, which seemed to do enough to suit me. I am used to using the Catalog Explorer in assign mode and the Quick Assign feature invoked from the top right thumb icon.
I started in V5 in that way, but soon I changed to the ...
by Lars
17 Oct 12 5:43
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Photo Supreme wins my vote
Replies: 10
Views: 10928

Re: Photo Supreme wins my vote

Tom Stoddard, thanks for sharing your observations - very useful.

Just want to add one thing that I find important: Is it possible to backup the catalog in reasonable time over the Internet and get it back to other computers in reasonable time (minutes).

That's actually possible in Photo Supreme ...
by Lars
16 Oct 12 15:58
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: So hard to do things that are simple in IDI!
Replies: 11
Views: 11883

Re: So hard to do things that are simple in IDI!

And what of the 74000 images in my IDI catalog, of which I would guess 40000 are RAW +JPGs pairs versioned the other way round?
I guess the IDI version script "Swap Version placeholders" can accomplish the task.

And let me get this right the "Album display" version isn't the one that is ...
by Lars
16 Oct 12 15:41
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: So hard to do things that are simple in IDI!
Replies: 11
Views: 11883

Re: So hard to do things that are simple in IDI!

Ah Lars

I know what the problem is !

With a laptop in preview and full screen you don't need to rotate the image - just turn the laptop on its side and the image will be perfectly rotated :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Have a great day

Certainly an optimal use of the screen ...
by Lars
16 Oct 12 8:31
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: So hard to do things that are simple in IDI!
Replies: 11
Views: 11883

Re: So hard to do things that are simple in IDI!

mphillips wrote:...when I highlight a thumb and hit the Square Bracket the image rotates.
My Lenovo x200 laptop seems to have a problem with this shortcut...not a big problem...thanks for info.
by Lars
16 Oct 12 6:53
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: So hard to do things that are simple in IDI!
Replies: 11
Views: 11883

Re: So hard to do things that are simple in IDI!

mphillips wrote:Hi

You can also use the [ ] brackets for rotation in the catalog viewer.


Is that a MAC thing? - Don't seem to work in w7 ?
by Lars
16 Oct 12 6:49
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: So hard to do things that are simple in IDI!
Replies: 11
Views: 11883

Re: So hard to do things that are simple in IDI!

OK it would help if the tabs weren't so tiny & almost illegible when thumbs are set to 100%.
Yes, but the zoom function works so well that there are no problem in running constantly at for instance 125 %.

I've deleted & re-run my import & got the RAWs as "Main" & JPGs as "Album display" but ...
by Lars
26 Aug 12 5:20
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Date format
Replies: 2
Views: 3811

Re: Date format

Yes this can be made exactly as you like - Write some code here:

View > Custom thumb Info

In the right of the field click the triangle to get help.

2012-08-25 goes like this:

Code: Select all

You may have to reopen the programme to see the change.
by Lars
26 Jun 12 4:09
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Those Little Flag Images
Replies: 8
Views: 8557

Re: Those Little Flag Images

...if you create a new database they will all be back...
by Lars
25 Jun 12 15:03
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: French Translation & bugs
Replies: 7
Views: 7825

Re: French Translation & bugs

Rikly wrote:only possible to delete one picture at time
Should be possible to delete as many as you like - Did you select more than one image? (Selected thumbnails must have brown background - not to be confused with the white-on-green down-arrows)