Search found 19 matches

by endre
02 Feb 20 22:31
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Support for CaptureOne sidecar files from v9, v10, v11, v12 and v20
Replies: 2
Views: 2925

Re: Support for CaptureOne sidecar files from v9, v10, v11, v12 and v20

I solely got you, however upon seeing the 'What's new' feature list made me curious what magic elixir was twined into the code?
by endre
02 Feb 20 12:08
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Support for CaptureOne sidecar files from v9, v10, v11, v12 and v20
Replies: 2
Views: 2925

Support for CaptureOne sidecar files from v9, v10, v11, v12 and v20


How does this new Capture One sidecar file support suppose to work compared to the earlier None / Elementary / Approximate file support?

I tried it in v2678 (macOS) with some RAW edits and I found where the HDR slider was extensively used the results are too far off.

None: basically ...
by endre
12 Jan 20 18:21
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Stacking in V5 Criteria ?
Replies: 13
Views: 9280

Re: Stacking in V5 Criteria ?

If you think of stacking as a horizontal set of photos (e.g.,.panorama, HDR, focus stacking, blending etc., as mentioned before), then version sets are vertical edits such as B&W, color graded, *. afphoto, *.tif, *.jpeg etc.

Pano1.raw, Pano2.raw, Pano3.raw, Pano4.raw, Pano5.raw etc. (stacking ...
by endre
12 Jan 20 18:04
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: How to ignore a folder
Replies: 7
Views: 5623

Re: How to ignore a folder

Would also be nice to specify a permanent rule for ignore directories

e.g., Capture One creates a sub-directory named CaptureOne that only contains metadata for the raw processor.

Currently it 'requires ignore directory' on each 'verify folders for files...' operation
by endre
08 Jan 20 12:21
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: relationships People more easily?
Replies: 8
Views: 6325

Re: relationships People more easily?

The more complex or unique a relationship is, more manual entry needed to get accurate results

a) drag and drop only works if you want to assign a single person to a single relationship because it moves the people tag in hierarchy underneath

I) Assign group of people w/ same relationships

e.g ...
by endre
13 Dec 19 21:38
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Changing the File Extension
Replies: 12
Views: 8634

Re: Changing the File Extension

worked like a charm...
thanks for the quick solution Hert
by endre
13 Dec 19 17:14
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Changing the File Extension
Replies: 12
Views: 8634

Re: Changing the File Extension

Let me dust off this old topic with a recent challenge. Some of my older photos have mixed JPG / JPEG extension.

%FileName.%FileExtension{lowercase=y} this code makes either file.jpg or file.jpeg but there is still a character difference.

With a 3rd party rename utility I could easily sort this ...
by endre
29 Mar 19 23:24
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Sidecar - workflow findings
Replies: 3
Views: 2257

Sidecar - workflow findings

I am polishing my simple workflow and would appreciate some remarks.

My inputs are Panasonic RW2 files and the platform is macOS.
1. step: FastRawViewer - first culling of RAWs, colour and star rating and sometimes headline, description edits. I found the import to PSU maintains the above info from ...
by endre
03 Dec 18 14:33
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Keyboard Shortcut Helper Set for MAC only
Replies: 1
Views: 1403

Keyboard Shortcut Helper Set for MAC only

There are a couple of shortcut helpers out there however most of these do not read out the unique shortcuts of PhotoSupreme neither other software.

Without trying to advertise any, KeyCue (please Google if interested) has the custom feature to upload predefined shortcut descriptions into it ...
by endre
27 Aug 18 16:24
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Duplicate app icon after update - OSX
Replies: 1
Views: 1453

Duplicate app icon after update - OSX

Since v upon updating PSU creates additional icon for the newer version. :cry:

Is anybody else having the same? :?:
by endre
21 May 18 12:51
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Green and yellow rating color
Replies: 1
Views: 2044

Green and yellow rating color

Hi guys,

I am wishing for a more distinguishable yellow-green colour pair for the colour labels.

Anyone else feels that the colours are too close to each other?
PSU.png (44.88 KiB) Viewed 2044 times
by endre
21 May 18 10:48
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Map not showing and cannot double click photo
Replies: 1
Views: 1735

Re: Map not showing and cannot double click photo

Posted same problem here:


And submitted a bug report under ID3254
by endre
21 May 18 6:50
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Flickering screen on GEO Tag
Replies: 3
Views: 3529

Re: Flickering screen on GEO Tag

Bug reported under ID3254
by endre
18 May 18 18:01
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Flickering screen on GEO Tag
Replies: 3
Views: 3529

Flickering screen on GEO Tag

Selecting an image that is in the catalogue and fully synced, on the GEO tag window I am experiencing a black and white flickering screen and map is not loading. In Preferences Google Java API is inserted and have been working before.

Is this only my issue or someone else also experiencing it?

See ...
by endre
09 May 18 18:17
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Headline, Title, Event XMP fields and their correlation, use in PSU
Replies: 10
Views: 6390

Re: Headline, Title, Event XMP fields and their correlation, use in PSU

Wow, very exhaustive and timely reply Frank
Most appreciated,