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by angelanthony
24 Aug 20 1:11
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: How do you enable and enable inactivity lock on PS server edition
Replies: 4
Views: 2351

Re: How do you enable and enable inactivity lock on PS server edition

ahhh thats what i was missing ok thanks for clearing that up !
by angelanthony
23 Aug 20 22:32
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: How do you enable and enable inactivity lock on PS server edition
Replies: 4
Views: 2351

Re: How do you enable and enable inactivity lock on PS server edition

2020-08-23_16-28-09.png (140.93 KiB) Viewed 2297 times
Not sure why your layout looking different than mine . Im running the most up to date version of photosupreme server . am i missing something
by angelanthony
19 Aug 20 19:28
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: How do you enable and enable inactivity lock on PS server edition
Replies: 4
Views: 2351

How do you enable and enable inactivity lock on PS server edition

So In the Server Edition, You can now specify what action should take place when the inactivity period expires: lock, logout, or close app
How do you do enable and disable this feature?
by angelanthony
21 Dec 19 3:06
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Scripts for identifying and removing duplicated keywords
Replies: 1
Views: 11387

Re: Scripts for identifying and removing duplicated keywords

I tried running this script on photosupreme v3 and received the following error message

script runtime error
access violation when evaluating instruction
Callproc (#0,#0,#E15AF0, $53CA21E0,'COUNT').
Stack content is: [].
Source Position: 29,23 (0)

is there an updated version to this script ...
by angelanthony
29 Nov 18 19:16
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: dynamic search - map to correct physical folder
Replies: 2
Views: 3295

Re: dynamic search - map to correct physical folder

ok so im posting screen grabs so you can get a better understanding
in the first 2 screenshots you will see the in the dynamic search the folder i originally mapped to was
the screen shot also shows that ebt_0405 doesnt have any photos in the folders

now when you look at ...
by angelanthony
28 Nov 18 23:38
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: dynamic search - map to correct physical folder
Replies: 2
Views: 3295

dynamic search - map to correct physical folder

so recently i experienced the following

ive mapped and imported a folder along with assets from a server located on my network
everything was fine i was able to tag my images . i usually verify the folder from time to time as
some times the assets change and i want to update photosupreme with ...
by angelanthony
14 Feb 18 4:59
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Metadata Save / Read to file Question
Replies: 1
Views: 1935

Metadata Save / Read to file Question

so im using PS 3 server version and im trying copy keywords from 1 photo and apply that to a batch of different photos

* I tried right clicking on a photo that has the keywords and tried to initiate the save metadata to file and nothing happened
* so then i tried right clicking on the same file ...
by angelanthony
14 Feb 18 4:17
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: is there a way to create a video preview thumbnail in photosupreme
Replies: 3
Views: 3024

Re: is there a way to create a video preview thumbnail in photosupreme

did this feature get built into the new photosupreme 4 version?
by angelanthony
13 Dec 17 2:57
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: User Management
Replies: 3
Views: 3027

Re: User Management

will there be consideration in the future to add additional functionality to user roles as i believe restricting a user from deleting photos is key when working with multiple people using the same catalog and or a password protect pop up window is also an idea . wishful thinking .
by angelanthony
12 Dec 17 7:51
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: User Management
Replies: 3
Views: 3027

User Management

so im using the server version and im issuing out user names to workers. im only having them tag images and i wanted to know if there is function where i can limit the user from NOT being able to delete an image(s) . does this function exist with in the user management module?
by angelanthony
13 Oct 17 3:02
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: photosupreme database maintenance question
Replies: 1
Views: 2436

photosupreme database maintenance question

i have a questions as im using photosupreme server version running postgresql

i wanted to know best practices on using pgadmin3 for doing some database maintenance
i wanted to know should i stick to using photosupremes maintenance tools or can i use the pgadmin3 tools .

in the pgadmin3 dashboard ...
by angelanthony
28 Sep 17 20:49
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Backing up and compacting database with photosupreme server question
Replies: 1
Views: 2395

Backing up and compacting database with photosupreme server question

im using photosupreme server version im looking to find out if its possible to have 2 users connected to photosupreme server and use one of the accounts to compact and back the database while the other user is working with the catalog manipulating photos and adding keywords. how will affect the ...
by angelanthony
23 Sep 17 8:07
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: photosupreme login hangs
Replies: 0
Views: 6930

photosupreme login hangs

so the other day i tried logging into photosupreme server version on a machine that i usually work on (i have 1 working user license - but i created 2 user accounts - 1 admin & 1 user account)

i launched photosupreme and entered in the correct login username/pass (this is an admin acct) and hit ok ...
by angelanthony
28 Jul 17 18:53
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: where are the label sets stored on windows?
Replies: 3
Views: 3914

where are the label sets stored on windows?

im looking to see if i can find where the label sets info is stored on windows. im looking to copy those settings to be able to place on another computer . each time i open photo supreme on a different computer i find that my label sets need to be recreated . is there a location path to where the ...
by angelanthony
13 Jun 17 20:44
Forum: Photo Supreme
Topic: Batch Removal of Label / Keywords
Replies: 1
Views: 1895

Batch Removal of Label / Keywords

is there a way to batch remove label / keywords from an asset . im finding myself removing one by one keywords on content want to know if there is a more quicker and efficient way to do this . i know there is a revoke full label set which is helpful but it doesn't entirely wipe all of my labels. not ...